Technically Invisible

Your Mission

Good morning 309 friends! Mrs. Brooks isn’t in today – so here is your mission while you are in the computer lab….

1. Of course, you’ve got your Type To Learn 3 to do — remember – eyes on the screen, hands on the Home Row. Just Find your Space :).

2. When you’re done, you’re going to click on the link on the right under Blog Roll that says Voice Thread. You’ll find a bunch of Book Talks from last year. Wear your headphones, listen carefully. I want you to listen to 3 book talks.

3. When you’re done with THAT, come back here and leave comments and/or questions. Your comment or questions should relate to what you learned about Book Talks, and should be worded in a positive way.

This year, I’m going to try and use Photo Booth to record your book talks, so that we have sound and video. It should be exciting, but you’ll have to be patient with me as I figure out the best way to do it.

Have a great weekend, and I’ll see you all on Monday!

Dream Big,
Mrs. Brooks

51 thoughts on “Your Mission

    1. Mrs. Brooks

      Hi Aundria,
      Were you wondering why that student chose Junie B? Or why Mrs. Brooks put that book on the Voice Thread site? I put every book talk from last year up on the site – and each student chose his or her favorite book on their own. I am guessing the student you listened to really liked the Junie B. series. :O). Do you have questions about the Book Talks you are going to have to do?

      Miss you,
      Mrs. Brooks

    1. Suzy Brooks Post author

      Hi Sean,

      The illustrator might have been mentioned in the book talk you listened to, but you are right — it’s good to include that information when you do a book talk in class!

      See you next week,
      Mrs. Brooks

    1. Mrs. Brooks

      Hi Markus,
      Kids usually choose books that are interesting to them…. Last year, we heard a lot of sports books, and funny fiction – they were very popular in our class. Have you picked one, yet??

      See you soon,
      Mrs. Brooks

    1. Suzy Brooks Post author

      Hi Jacob,

      I do, too — it’s neat to listen to your book talks when you get home – that way your family can hear them, too!!

      Enjoy your weekend,
      Mrs. Brooks

    1. Suzy Brooks Post author

      Hi Peter,

      I was hoping you would have questions on how to do book talks — I don’t think the kids from last year are checking out our blog this year, but maybe they will and they will answer your question.

      I will tell you that Lilibet was a big fan of the BFG.

      See you soon,
      Mrs. Brooks

    1. Suzy Brooks Post author

      Hi Ben,
      I agree, some of the book talks make me laugh, too. I bet you are going to share a great book when it is your turn!
      Miss you!
      Mrs. Brooks

    1. Suzy Brooks Post author

      Hi Isabelle,
      I’m glad you enjoyed listening – I hope that you got some great ideas! I’d love to know what you liked about them :O).

      Have a great weekend,
      Mrs. Brooks

  1. Victoria

    This is Victoria, do we have to write the whole book talk on a piece of paper or just notes? What kind of info do we need?Bye,we miss you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    From Victoria

    1. Suzy Brooks Post author

      Hi Victoria,
      You should write some kind of notes so that I can see that you are prepared to speak. Otherwise, I’m not sure if you practiced. So, you make notes that work well for you. The Blog has all the info you need on the right hand side under Book Talks. If you have more questions, let me know.

      I miss you too!!
      Mrs. Brooks

    1. Suzy Brooks Post author

      Hi Carly!
      You’re right – Winn Dixie is a great book – it makes me laugh and cry and feel good about life.
      I’m glad you’re back – I missed you when you were absent!!
      Mrs. Brooks

  2. Jonathan

    So I love all 3 books especially Eragon and I’m done for now. I already did listen to the stories. Thank you Mrs. Brooks.


    1. Suzy Brooks Post author

      Hi Jonathan,
      I’m glad you liked them. Nice job following directions. I like Eragon, too. You can always listen to more, you know :O). I can’t wait to hear your book talk!

      See you on Monday!
      Mrs. Brooks

    1. Suzy Brooks Post author

      Hi Chris,
      It’s always fun when someone does a book talk on something that is interesting (like dragons). Details help your audience get excited! I look forward to hearing your book talks this year.
      Dream Big,
      Mrs. Brooks

    1. Suzy Brooks Post author

      Hi Lauren,
      Which one – and why do you think so? I am curious as to which book you are choosing for your book talks!
      Miss you,
      Mrs. Brooks

    1. Suzy Brooks Post author

      Hi Angelina N,
      I’m glad you enjoyed them – did you get any good ideas? It’s nice to see you are excited!
      See you on Monday, too!
      Mrs. Brooks

    1. Suzy Brooks Post author

      Hi Nathaniel,
      Why did you like that one? What did the speaker do, that was so interesting? I am looking forward to seeing your book choice!
      Have a great weekend,
      Mrs. Brooks

  3. Nathaniel

    The speaker used a lot of expression. He also did a pretty good story. He told with a lot of detail how the dragon hatched. It was interesting to me.

    1. Suzy Brooks Post author

      I agree, Nathaniel – when the speakers practice a lot, they are able to speak slowly and clearly with a lot of expression. That helps to keep the audience interested. You’ll all be using a microphone, so that will help broadcast your voices. Thanks for your thoughts!

      Enjoy the weekend,
      Mrs. Brooks

  4. Jonathan

    Hi Mrs. Brooks I can’t wait For when you and Kenndyl and Carson to come over to my hose when you have B.Q at my house with you!!

  5. Jonathan

    MRS. BROOKS I have Lots of popsicals At My House when you and kenndy& Carson And me. We Will Eat ONE of them at my house!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Mrs. Brooks

    Jonathan, I am excited to have popsicles with you, too!!! Save me a red one, you giggly boy!!!

    Love, Mrs. Brooks

    PS: GO TO BED!!!! XXOO

    PSS: Carson wants a blue one

    PSSS: Kendyl wants a Yellow one

    1. Jonathan

      Hi Mrs. Brooks, uh oh Were’re OUT of blue ones and red ones and blue ones too because I must been eat them but I have A lots of colors left.

      P.S I can’t go to BED because our third grade is staying up late ALL the way until 12:00A.M!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Jonathan

    Jummp on the Bed Mrs. Brooks with kenndyl and Carson too is Jummpy, jummpy on the bed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Mrs. Brooks

    Hey there Jumpy Boy!!! I thought I said NOT TO take Carson’s idea of jumping on his beds!!! Don’t go getting me in trouble!!! No Red? No Blue?? What choices are we left with???? I like orange – don’t eat all those!!!!

    Mrs. Brooks

  9. Mrs. Brooks

    Oh, Jonathan? What about rootbeer popsicles? Bubble gum?? Let me know — I might have to bring my own…. NITE NITE!!!

  10. Mrs. Brooks

    Yep – about one more week! Don’t forget Mr. Brooks! He’s coming, too :). Hmmmm…. a broom? I’m going to have to think about that one – I haven’t seen the Wicked Witch of the West in ages, and I tend to think she’ll be upset if I take her broom away.

    Speaking of brooms, I’m doing a Big Clean here at my house and have had a broom in my hand all afternoon. Next, I’m grabbing a mop!

    Did you start summer school??

    Mrs. Brooks

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