Technically Invisible

Just Ducky

Old Ducky came to live with us
for Carson, it was love at first sight.
For Ducky was as soft as silk,
His feathered fur, all yellow and white.

Each night as Carson lay down to sleep,
lullabies and stories were not enough.
For as he laid and sucked his thumb,
He tear out chunks of downy fluff.

“What are you doing?” we would ask,
seeing fur everywhere made us flip!
“I’m pickin’ ‘uzzies”, he would say,
“And I use them to ‘ickle my wip!”

Our begging and pleading did not make him stop.
He’d pluck and tickle some more.
He plucked ’till his duck was all naked and bald,
and yellow fluff had covered his floor!

We started to panic about Carson’s poor duck,
what if he’s too ugly to keep?
We began our quest to replace his friend,
So he’d have fluff to pick for his sleep.

So New Ducky arrived in the nick of time,
Carson felt so very lucky
. But as each morning passed in a blizzard of fluff,
Before long, both his Duckies were Yucky!

New Ducky and Old kept him happy until,
they didn’t have fuzzies to wear.
Carson just sighed, and gave us a wink,
And started to pluck his poor bear.



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