Technically Invisible

Visitors From Afar….

Well, Thursday afternoon, our worms, crickets and anoles finally arrived.  In our classroom, we have 6 anoles, and the kids are head-over-heels already.

After seeing 18 students swarm around the flag table, it became clear that we needed a viewing schedule for the afternoon.

Students came up with the following options:

1 group of 18 for 90 minutes

18 groups of 1 for 5 minutes each

2 groups of 9 for 45 minutes each

9 groups of 2 for 10 minutes each

3 groups of 6 for 30 minutes each


6 groups of 3 for 15 minutes each (which is what they ultimately voted on)

So, each group of 3 observed the terrariums while taking notes and writing questions in their science journals.  We had some very kind (and keen!) observers…
Check out the fun pics we took before my batteries died that afternoon:

Anole Central

Anole Central

Careful observations

Careful observations

How many do YOU see??

How many do YOU see??

Another friend

Another friend

A watchful eye

A watchful eye

Did you see that??

Did you see that??



We're all excited about the anoles!!

We're all excited about the anoles!!

12 thoughts on “Visitors From Afar….

  1. Isabelle


    I think the anoles are sooooooo cool!!!!!!! My favorite one is Fred the little one in the habitat on the right. But I like them all. I feel bad for Bob!! I hope he makes it through the night! 🙁

    ~Isabelle 🙂

  2. Mrs. Brooks

    Hi Isabelle,

    Bob is my favorite – I just don’t think he’s strong enough to make it. I guess my second fave is King Kong, because he has that spot on his nose and I feel bad for him. I love watching the tanks that have more than 1 anole, especially when they crawl on each other.

    We have to figure out which ones are boys – they have red on their throat. I think that the girls have a grey stripe down their back, but some sites say that young males can also have that stripe. Tricky stuff!!

    See you tomorrow, Isabelle!

    Mrs. Brooks

  3. Ruby!!!

    Hi Mrs. brooks!

    I realy like all the anoles!! I think that phill,king kong sport, bob, fire ball,and fred’s names are great!!! I’m sooo happy that bob is turning green again!! I sure hope he doesn’t die! How’s he doing? Are you still taking him home with you every night or does he stay with the other anoles? Can we name the worms too!!! If we do, I have a suggestion. (Alfred-joe)

    -Ruby 🙂

  4. Suzy Brooks Post author

    Hi Jackson, I’m excited to hear that – you are a great speaker and can do a super job!!

    I’m also sad that Bob died. I felt bad for him, being so sick.

    See you tomorrow!
    Mrs. Brooks

  5. Ruby!!!

    hi mrs. brooks. Thank you for letting me borrow “Love, Ruby Lavender”. I can’t wait to start it! I feel so sorry for bob!! 🙁 Even know he was only here for a day or two, it felt like he was here for the whole year!!

    From ruby 🙂

  6. Mrs. Brooks

    Hi Ruby!

    You’re very welcome – Deborah Wiles is one of my favorite authors. The book I read from today? Each Little Bird That Sings? That is the same author. She has a great sense of humor and has a creative writing style that is similar to yours. I also love how she writes about real-life challenges and celebrations.

    I thought you’d like the fact that Ruby was the main character – Melba Jane is the other character, and I think that’s cool because my aunt’s name is Myrna-Jane.

    “We’re all different, and we’re all the same”

    I’m proud of you, Super Pirate Lizard!
    Mrs. Brooks

  7. Nicholas

    Hi Mrs. Brooks,

    I can’t believe Bob died. It is really sad, but I am still happy that I found him up on the window. I wish he was still alive and now we only have 6 not 7. At least we still have the others with us to enjoy. I like KingKong the most. See you tomorrow. I will be in my fancy clothes.

    Til tomorrow,

  8. Suzy Brooks Post author

    Hi Nicholas,

    I agree, I am very glad you found him, too. Imagine if we found him weeks from now somewhere in the classroom? I would have felt awful. At least this way, we had a chance to help him.

    King Kong is one of my favorites, too – he looked much healthier today.

    I’m planning my fancy outfit for tomorrow, too. I’ll see you then!

    Mrs. Brooks

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