Technically Invisible


photovisi-collage-photo-effectsOur first day of school has come and gone, and we all passed with flying colors! We’ll be spending the next several weeks working on routines, and refreshing our learning from last year.

The MOOSE book that you are holding will be an important part of our year in Grade 3. Please empty the first pocket nightly of notices, newsletters, notes, and announcements. Any note and papers you send to school should go in this pocket, and we will empty it each morning. Students will each be responsible for bringing it home each night, and to school each morning.

Tonight, you will find an many forms that need to be filled out and returned to school. Getting acquainted with your MOOSE book, and filling out all those forms, will be the only homework due this week.

If you have any questions about our MOOSE books, let me know!

Each Monday, you will receive this newsletter with assignments on the reverse side. Although written for parents, I encourage all students to read it, weekly too!

Mrs. Pokrass, the school nurse, is asking that each student bring in a shoebox filled with a change of clothes. We will keep these boxes in our cubbies.

I am looking forward to meeting parents at our Meet the Teacher Night on September 28 or 29 (SAVE THE DATE) In the meantime, feel free to contact me with questions or concerns either by telephone, or by e-mail.

Did you know we have a class ‘blog? Check out the web address above, and be sure to say hello while you’re there!

Welcome to third grade, the family pod, and more importantly, welcome to Room 309! It’s going to be a great year!

Dream Big,

Mrs. Brooks





No School

Labor Day





MOOSE Books: Get Acquainted!!

Sign & Return forms (due Friday)





MOOSE Books: Get Acquainted!!

Sign & Return forms (due Friday)


PE & Art



Decorate Writer’s Notebook – Due Mon.

Sign & Return forms (due tomorrow!)





Have a wonderful weekend, see you on Monday!!

11 thoughts on “Welcome!!

  1. Mrs. Brooks

    Wow, it was really cool showing the whole class our blog on the internet. I hope to see that lots of kids and families log on and leave comments, because that makes me SMILE!!!

    If you have any questions, or need help, please let me know.

    Mrs. Brooks

    1. isabella

      can i bring mugsy in to show
      him to the class my baby puppy?
      please he is hyper and friendly
      and loves kids

  2. Suzy Brooks Post author

    Hi Girls,
    Nice to see you stop by – I love this blog, too – I hope you visit lots and lots and I’ll see you tomorrow!

    Mrs. Brooks

  3. Mrs. Brooks

    Awwww, Alexis! That’s sweet 🙂 The whole world?? You haven’t gotten homework yet, you might want to wait and see, ha ha…

    See you in a few minutes!
    Mrs. Brooks

  4. Alden

    HI Mrs. Brooks!
    I’m doing good!
    I really like you as a teacher. I was looking forward to being in you class, and I loved my first week with you. It was awesome!!
    See you tomorrow!

  5. Suzy Brooks Post author

    Hi Alexis – your comment made me smile – homework is not my favorite thing, but I know it is important. Hopefully everything you do will be useful for what we are learning in school. Sometimes the homework I give is a little crazy — like organizing a closet, or pulling weeds, or writing to a relative…

    Hmmm… Bella — a hyper puppy, in school??? That made me giggle… I’m going to wait to answer you – because once I say yes to one adorable puppy, then I have to say yes to every adorable puppy, and kitty, and hamster, and guinea pig, and….. You are welcome to bring in pictures, though!

    Alden – I’m so glad you stopped by our little Blog!! I’ve been very excited to have you in my class, too- – and I have also had a great week! Are you as tired as I am? Going back to school is exhausting!! Thanks for all your hard work these past few days, and for letting me put so much stuff on your desk while I teach. You’re very nice to me!

    Love you all,
    Mrs. Brooks

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