Technically Invisible

Meet the Teacher Night

By now all of you should have received a notice about Meet the Teacher Night this year. Third grade is scheduled for Wednesday, the 29th of September.

The evening begins at 6:15 with a presentation by Jennifer McNulty, Cape & Islands Assistant District Attorney. She provided a presentation to all Falmouth staff before school started, and I was very impressed by her.

The message she brings isn’t always easy to hear for parents of such small children. However, if we are to truly make a difference, we need to start early!!

You will then head to Room 309 to hear and see all the wonderful things I’ll have to share with you.

I hope you can all make it, as it is one of the most important evenings you’ll spend at Mullen-Hall.

J If you plan to volunteer in any capacity this year (driving, or in the classroom, computer lab, library, etc…), then you must fill out the CORI form that came home last week. Please bring the CORI to the office in person so they can verify identification. If you are willing to drive on field trips, please fill out the Driver Log form, as well. I have extra forms available if needed.

J Mrs. Pokrass, our school nurse, has requested each student keep a change of clothes in school for unforeseen emergencies.

J This will be our 2nd week of homework. I will be sending home a week’s worth of homework on Mondays, and it will be due back in school on Fridays. While homework is important, family comes first. I understand that families are very busy with work and activity schedules, so you can work with your child to set aside convenient times to complete homework.

J I also suggest creating a Homework Center basket containing supplies your child may need to finish assignments. Falmouth Homework Guidelines state that homework should last about 45-60 minutes, including 20 minutes of reading time and 5 minutes of math fact practice. Drop me a note if homework becomes an issue in some way. We’ll figure it out together.

Smile Wide,

Mrs. Brooks


Art &




Everyday Math: Unit 1

Both sides, please





Cursive: C,c D,d





Interest Inventory – please work together to fill out this form WITH your child.


PE & Art



Parent Survey – please work to fill out this form ABOUT your child





Have a wonderful weekend, see you on Monday!!

30 thoughts on “Meet the Teacher Night

    1. Suzy Brooks Post author

      Writing on the computer is fun – and I love reading all of your notes, Jacob!

      So glad you’re in my class!
      Love, Mrs. Brooks

    1. Suzy Brooks Post author

      Hi Julian – Hi yourself, my friend! I hope next time you write a little more – you have some great ideas!!!

      Love, Mrs. Brooks

  1. Leah

    Dear Mrs.Brooks,
    I had a nice time writing today at school it was really fun.Today I saw an apple in an apple tree and it was ripe!Now i feel like an apple.

    1. Suzy Brooks Post author

      Seeing that apple in the tree made me crave one, too, Leah! I loved writing outdoors today, too. Hopefully we can do that again!
      Love, Mrs. Brooks

    1. Suzy Brooks Post author

      I agree, Cameron – the balance cushions are very comfortable – I’m glad you are enjoying them! I think they help make you a SUPER worker!!
      Love, Mrs. Brooks

  2. Gabriel

    Hello I can’t wait to be completely in the new house I love it a lot. I want to have my video game day on Mondays and Wednesdays bye person at the computer.

    1. Suzy Brooks Post author

      Hi Gabe! New houses are exciting – as well as video games. I try to only play on vacations and weekends, but sometimes it’s hard to do that. We’ll have to compare notes on the games we play, my friend!
      Love, Mrs. Brooks

    1. Suzy Brooks Post author

      I agree, Colin – I think it will be a very fun year. I think you’re awesome, and sweet!!!

      Love, Mrs. Brooks

  3. Casey

    I had a great time writing out side. It was fun. I’m going to Gymnastics to night. I start at 5:30. I end at 8:00. I use to end at 8:30! But that was in the summer. I had a great day! By the way you are a great teacher!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Suzy Brooks Post author

      That’s a LOT of gymnastics – no wonder you’re so good, Casey! I loved having you all write outside, too – I hope we can do that again, soon!

      You are a great student, my friend!

      Love, Mrs. Brooks

    1. Suzy Brooks Post author

      Hi Marissa,

      Moms and Dads sure work hard to help their families, huh? I’m glad to hear you using our Bonjour greeting. It is wonderful having you in our class!!

      Love, Mrs. Brooks

    1. Suzy Brooks Post author

      Grace – I love all of the dot paintings everyone did – they are awesomely awesome!!

      Make your mark, see where it takes you, my friend!!

      Love, Mrs. Brooks

    1. Suzy Brooks Post author

      Hi Brianna, my summer was wonderful, but I’m glad to be back to school, because all of my students are nice like YOU!!

      I hope you have a blast at dance on Saturday!

      Love, Mrs. Brooks

    1. Suzy Brooks Post author

      Hi Hailey! It’s very nice to meet you, too — If I am right, you are in 7th grade? My own kids in 6th and 8th, you’ll see they each have their own page on our blog. 7th grade is a tricky grade for school work – be prepared to work hard and you’ll do wonderfully. Thank you for taking the time to comment on our blog!!

      Love, Mrs. Brooks

    1. Suzy Brooks Post author

      Hi Marissa,

      My evening is busy as usual, but I love to be busy. Mr. Brooks parents came over for dinner, then we all had homework to do. Kendyl and Carson are doing good, but I am getting ready to put them to bed right now!! You’re a wonderful student, I’m glad you’re part of Room 309!

      Mrs. Brooks

  4. Jonathan

    Hi Mrs. Brooks, Aundria is here because we’re are having fun because at golfing I did not get a hole and 1 not even Aundria and my Dad.

  5. Suzy Brooks

    Hi Jonathan and Aundria,

    Getting a hole-in-one is REALLY hard to do – it only happens every so often – not every time most people minigolf. Carson is helping me make dinner tonight — homemade cheddar macaroni & cheese with kielbasa, apples and onions.

    Y.U.M. But, Carson calls it Euuuuuu….

    Love, Mrs. Brooks

  6. Suzy Brooks Post author

    Hi Brianna,
    Thanks for all of your posts! I had a great day today, and thanks for your compliments! I don’t know why I didn’t think of naming my cart before now – it’s so fun!!

    Can’t wait to see you tomorrow – did you have a great day?

    Love, Mrs. Brooks

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