Technically Invisible

Massachusetts, Our Home…

We were fortunate 3 years ago to receive brand new textbooks to complement our social studies curriculum. Third Graders in Falmouth learn about Massachusetts, Falmouth and 6 different Native American tribes from various U.S. regions.  It’s a very interesting year in social studies!

Massachusetts, Our Home is a beautiful text, which explores topics in geography, economics, government and history.  In Room 309, our Essential Question in social studies this year is “How has the world around us changed, and how might it change in the future?” We will be framing our learning with that question in mind.  Whether the “world” we study is as small as our family, or as large as our planet, we will search for answers to our Essential Question along the way.

What a gorgeous weekend it was! I hope you were able to spend some time together as families – we enjoyed every minute!!

This Praying Mantis loved my driveway on Saturday. We laid on our bellies and watched for a loonnngggg time 🙂

I had fun creating a Halloween card online.... Click the Pic!

We are starting a year-long, behind the scenes project called Where’s George?  For homework, students are asked to bring in a dollar bill.  We hope that they know where the dollar bill came from.  When it goes home again, I want them to come back and tell me where they decided to spend it.  We will stamp the bill, log the serial numbers online at and hopefully track where they end up.  We’ll keep you posted!

The third grade is planning a trip to Plimoth Plantation on November 10th. The charge will be $5 per student, $10 per chaperone. Everyone will will need to pack a lunch. A field trip notice will go home soon.

Stand Tall,

Mrs. Brooks

6 thoughts on “Massachusetts, Our Home…

  1. Jonathan

    Hi Mrs. Brooks, in the other day it is P.E time and this is all about someone who
    was doing a bad thing. first he is doing a finger guns like I told him not to
    do that so whould you talk to him about finger guns cause I don’t like finger gun
    will you talk to him because he is breaking a rule!!!

  2. Suzy Brooks Post author

    Hi Jonathan,
    I’m sorry to hear that one of your classmates made a bad choice – remember that when you are in PE, that you can ask the teacher for help, or let your teacher know when you get in the classroom. Sometimes it’s hard for 4th graders to follow the rules, but luckily there’s many people to help them out… If you think you need my help, come see me and I’ll see if I can give you a hand.

    Have a great weekend,
    Mrs. Brooks

  3. Jonathan

    Hi Molly, Happy Saturday noon Molly! I wish that I could go to school on Saturday and Sunday but we can’t but at any time exept night I could write you a comments evey day and weekends isn’t that great??!! Only 2 more days left until I get to see you again!!!!!!
    But I’m sorry that we can’t go to school on the weekends but this what I called a short qwick weekend right?? I can’t wait to see you in 2 more days. I’m counting down the days until I get to see you!!

    Love Jonathan

  4. Jonathan

    Hi Mrs. Brooks, I been calling Molly in almost– ZOINKS!!!!!!!!!!!!
    only 1 1/2 hour until I will be calling Molly. PSSSSST Mrs. Brooks, this is a part where you can run away. AND STAY AWAY IN MY SWAMP SO
    GET OUT! Well what can I do!!!??? I was just kitting about this….
    boooooo! And look there’s a witch in your house!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    and I will be skating a 5:30p.m…………………………….!!

  5. Jonathan

    Hi Mrs. Brooks, yesurday me and my dad and Hailey went to the halloween fun train. on the train they put The Wizard Of Oz tune.
    I was dressing as a scarecrow and when we were on the train the conducktor of the train called my name and so is Hailey to. Because I won the contex of the costume the condecktor said my name of my
    costume I was wharing. can you Buleeve it???!!! so I can’t wait
    to go back to school so that way I can see everyone. So yesurday
    I asked Hailey’s mom to see that was okay for Hailey to come over on
    Saturday. I’m Going to print the airlines of airport.

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