Technically Invisible

Homework Happenings

I have spent considerable time this year on homework.  Between Kendyl, Carson and myself, we are doing homework several hours per day!  While there are those rare, blissful days where we each work independently on our own assignments, more often than not, they both need my help.

As a parent, it is often difficult for me to figure out what role I should assume in the homework realm.  Reading directions, monitoring focus, offering advice, and correcting errors fill my evenings.  I often wonder how the parents of my students spend their homework sessions??   What I hope – is that for the most part, your children are becoming more independent.  By the end of the year, I would like them to be self-sufficient on nearly all assignments.  To reach that goal, your child has to understand that you are there only if they REALLY need you.

Let them know that Mrs. Brooks said they should work on their own, and only ask for help when they are totally stuck.

Trust your judgment. It is okay if they get some answers wrong – but if they need support on a difficult concept, it is time to help them out.  When projects roll around, they will need assistance with ideas, time management, and quality control.  Projects are still new to them, and they will need you.
Remember, the priority should be an early bedtime.  Never let homework interfere with your child getting to bed on time.   If homework becomes too much of a struggle for anyone, please let me know, so we can make adjustments to fit your child’s needs.

No School this coming Thursday to celebrate Veterans Day.  Your child will see a video at school this week from the Veteran’s Administration.  Ask him or her about it!

In the meantime, you can visit the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and watch this video for Veterans Day, 2010:

Wed is our trip to Plimoth Plantation. Please send in $5 payment for your child if you haven’t as yet.  I didn’t have anyone order lunches from the cafeteria, so please be sure to pack a lunch.  The weather looks a little iffy, so dress appropriately; we’ll be outdoors all day long.

Visit the Plimoth Plantation website here:

Stand Tall,

Mrs. Brooks

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