Technically Invisible

A Little Down Time

You will notice that our homework this week is a little different.  Hopefully the weather will cooperate, and students in Room 309 will get a chance to enjoy the change of pace.

Homework is an important part of school, but with MCAS this week, I felt that everyone needs some down-time.  As a parent, I love nights when there’s no homework, but they are few and far between.

So, this week, students will have homework of a different kind altogether.  See the back of this sheet for more details.

After I present them with their homework in morning meeting, there are bound to be many questions.  All I am asking is that they complete all of their items before Friday, pretty much like a regular school week.  They always ask if they REALLY have to do the things on the list.  OF COURSE they do!! J

Before we know it, the weekend will be here, and the Language Arts MCAS will be a wonderful third grade memory.

Praise your children for the hard work they have put in all year, as it truly pays off in the efforts they put forth.

For those of you new to MCAS, the results of both the Language Arts and the Math tests will be mailed to your home address sometime in October.  It’s a long time to wait, that’s for sure!

🙂  On Friday, I sent home a packet including 4 lunch bags, 4 note cards and an instruction sheet (shown below).   I’m asking you to please participate in this Snack & Encouragement program for MCAS.  Place a secret snack in each of the 4 bags, along with a note of encouragement for your child, depending on the directions… If you have questions, PLEASE let me know.  We start Wed. morning!

🙂 Tomorrow we will be painting as part of an Arts Alive lesson. Please be sure your child is wearing old clothes, or has a smock at school. Thanks!!

Read this week’s homework sheet carefully, as it contains important reminders for our week of MCAS testing.

Dream Big,

Mrs. Brooks

2 thoughts on “A Little Down Time

  1. brianna

    Hi Mrs.Brooks
    I am so sad that I could not come to school today.I am home with a cold.I didn’t want to pas my cold arownd.Hope I can go to school tomarow and see you!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  2. Mrs. Brooks

    I wasn’t feeling good today, either, so I stayed home. I miss you!! I hope to see you tomorrow if you come back!

    Mrs. Brooks

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