Technically Invisible

My Civic Responsibility

Tomorrow, for the first time in my teaching career, I am going to absent because of Jury Duty.  The teacher in me can’t help but consider the ways in which I can turn this into a teachable moment… Your kids will be thrilled, I’m sure!

<insert fiendish laughter here>

A couple of pretty cool facts:

🙂 My mom also has Jury Duty tomorrow.

🙂 A cat in Boston was summoned for duty,

and his owners had a hard time getting him out of it.

🙂 US Presidents have been called to duty, but none have served on a jury.

🙂  Even judges have to serve when they are summoned!

Who Knew?

So, vocabulary words such as civic, responsibility, duty, and trial are floating through my head, as is the fact that Law Day is just around the corner on May 1.
So, I’m skipping off to the Interweb, where I’ll try not to get sidetracked by the fact I could be sitting alongside a cat if I’m chosen to serve on a jury tomorrow.  I’m bound and determined to find some helpful resources to enlighten your children.

In fact, here’s a screen shot of our doodle on the SMARTBoard this afternoon as we talked about what Jury Duty is and then spent time talking about the importance of rules:

A bit silly, but they got the point....

🙂  Please remind your child that at school, they cannot give away their belongings to other students without a note from home.  I have many generous students, but I’m never quite sure if giving away toys and other treasures was approved ahead of time.  Thanks!

🙂 Tomorrow is a half-day – be sure to send in a note if your child’s dismissal plan is any different.

🙂  How are those game boards coming? If you have any questions, be sure to ask!

Smile Wide,

Mrs. Brooks

Today we used the SMARTBoard to introduce our next Math Unit – each student had a chance to fill in an answer…  Get ready for a TRICKY unit!!

Math. You'll Use It Every Day ~Mr. Brooks

Last but not least…  we watched a video today in class on the Revising stage in writing.  Some kids wanted me to put it on the blog….  This was created by a teacher friend of mine I’m connected with on Twitter:

10 thoughts on “My Civic Responsibility

  1. Kenneth

    Dear Mrs brooks, I hope you do great on jury duty. dream big, Ken p.s. I bet you’ll be the best juror there.

  2. Suzy Brooks Post author

    Hi Kenneth! Thanks for your nice note – I can’t wait until it’s all over and I can tell everyone all about it. I will miss each of you like crazy. Work Hard, Be Sweet and I’ll see you soon!

    Love, Mrs. Brooks

  3. ken

    Hi Mrs.Brook I can’t belive you got my note!The reason I say that is our computer is in realy bad shape.Well anyway are you coming to my party? yours truly, ken p.s.I’m realy sad that you’ll be out for the whole week.

  4. Suzy Brooks Post author

    I got it with no trouble at all, Ken! I sent an email to mom that she might not have gotten because of your computer troubles. We have to go to Carson’s 2:00 Travel Soccer game in Freetown so we won’t be able to come :(. I’m very sorry and I hope that you all have so much fun!

    I’m really sad, about being out so long, too. But, the work that I am doing is very important so that’s making me feel better.

    Thanks for the note!
    Mrs. Brooks

  5. ken

    Hi Mrs.Brooks,You want to here some great news i got a cut on my finger so i went to the nurse i got a bandaid and the nurse gave me some bandaids for the class. It’s me,KEN P.S.i guess my booktalk won’t be till 4/29/11 and that’s alot of time to reherse P.S.S. DREAM BIG!!!!

  6. Suzy Brooks Post author

    Ken, that IS good news – we needed bandaids!! You are right. no book talks while I’m gone. Spring talks will be the Friday after vacation. I’ll still do a newsletter and send it home with everyone on Monday.

    Smile Wide!
    Mrs. Brooks

  7. Casey

    Hi Mrs.Brooks hows jury duty? I miss you so much. When are you coming back? I can’t wait to see you!!!! Did Mrs.Sally get picked to be in the jury??????


  8. Suzy Brooks Post author

    Hi Case! I miss you bunches, too. Jury Duty is showing me that there’s always more to learn about in life. I will be able to tell you all about it when I’m done. Miss Sally did not get picked when she reported on her Jury Duty day… She had to be on a jury in Boston once, and had to go in every day for many days. Hopefully she won’t have to do that again!

    Go to bed! lol
    Mrs. Brooks

  9. ruby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    dear mrs. brooks,

    my class got a SMART board too! i think they are really cool


    ruby, who really really misses mrs. brooks 🙁

  10. Suzy Brooks Post author

    Dear Ruby,

    I heard you got a SMARTBoard! How exciting – every week we’ll learn more and more about how much they can help us all enhance our learning!

    Love from,

    Mrs. Brooks, who really really misses Ruby 🙁

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