Technically Invisible

Happy Independence Day!

I hope you are enjoying time with your families, and getting outdoors on this beautiful day! Thank you for all the well-wishes!!

I was up early for a 7-mile bike ride, and after breakfast, we all headed to the parade in Bourne.  We’re resting now before we head out to spend time with my niece and nephews on their beach in Sandwich, where will watch the fireworks.

What about you?  How have you spent your day??

13 thoughts on “Happy Independence Day!

  1. Jonathan

    Hi Mrs. Brooks, I missed the Fireworks on TV. 🙁 I could have been watch the fireworks on TV but I rather to watch the Fireworks out the
    window at my house so I decited to look at the Fireworks on
    at my house.

    Love Jonathan

    1. Mrs. Brooks

      Hi Jonathan, the fireworks on TV were on LATE!! I saw them when I returned home from the beach. I like how the fireworks on the TV are set to music – it is SO cool!

      Have a great first day at summer school! Stay cool!!!
      Love, Mrs. Brooks

  2. Casey

    Hi Mrs.Brooks!!!!
    First day of rec camp I’m going to see a lot of people from Mullen Hall!!!! Like Alyssa,Brianna,Ken,and Kyle. Thats a good amount of people:)
    Looking forward to seeing you after SUMMER VA.
    Casey I miss u:(

    1. Mrs. Brooks

      Hey there Casey! Have a ton of fun at rec camp – is it an every-day camp? Tell everyone I said hello!!

      I miss you, too – but enjoy your vacation, and I’ll see you soon!

      Mrs. Brooks

  3. Casey

    It’s an every day camp so I go Mon,Tue,Wed,Thur,and Fri very tiring:-)
    The best thing of camp is that the 6th is a beach day!!! So are parents have to drop us off at Falmouth Hites Beach!!!! and then they have to pick us up at the Rec. It was so HOT today I felt like I was dying:)What are Kendyl and Carson doing for the summer?Gotta go play Lemonade Stand or something!!!
    Casey ps I’m really looking forward to next year I’ll give u a BIG hug!!!:)

    1. Suzy Brooks Post author

      Hi Casey – sorry – I just saw this post now! :(. Today isn’t as hot, huh? Kendyl and Carson are having what we are calling a “lazy” summer – no real plans – just hanging out with their friends and doing whatever we make them do as a family.

      I can’t believe it’s already past the middle of July! Crazy! I can’t wait to see you and all the other familiar faces as you rush past my new room and head to your 4th grade classes. ;). I’m sure you’ll have time for a quick hug, though!

      Enjoy the weekend, and camp tomorrow!! Love, Mrs. Brooks

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