Technically Invisible

Scientific M&Method

We’ve been learning about how scientists follow the Scientific Method when conducting research, and why it is so important to follow each of those steps.

Two weeks ago, we learned about chromatography when we discovered the colors in magic markers aren’t always what they appear to be.

Last week, we explored the color breakdown in Fun Size, Regular Size and Large Size M&M bag.  We did some estimating, sorting, counting and lots of data collection.  Students decided that no matter the size of the bag, it seems that generally there are fewer yellow M&M’s in a package.

Soon, we will combine the two above lessons — Chromatography and M&Ms.  Can you predict how we will connect our experience and extend our knowledge??

Enjoy the pictures!!

2 thoughts on “Scientific M&Method

  1. Nathaniel

    I am excited about chromatogrophy with M&Ms!I am excited because it is a mixture of two experiments!I enjoyed doing chromatogrophy with markers,but I wonder what it will be like with M&Ms?

  2. Suzy Brooks Post author

    I’m not too sure, myself, Nathaniel!!! I thought of the idea after reading an article in my Family Fun magazine (do you get that at your house?) that talked about a family who did science experiments with candy. I hope that we find different colors in the M&M’s, but that’s the fun of science experiments – you can hypothesize about what will happen, but you have to run a test to find out!! See you on Thursday!!
    Mrs. Brooks

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