Technically Invisible

WHEW!!!! What a DAY!!!!

I am EXHAUSTED.  EX-HAUS-TED!!!!!!  We squeezed in so many activities today, with all kinds of fun, that I can’t even see straight anymore!!!  Let’s see if I can relay the day in some way….

🙂 Morning Routine – Schoolhouse Rock! — Interplanet Janet – sung by exuberant third graders.

🙂 Chicken Fat Friday – I made a video of us doing our weekly calisthenics to Robert Preston’s song from the 1960’s.

🙂 Settle in and read…  Students spread all over the room, and started reading with their flashlights:

I gathered the students on the rug and read to them from the book Snowflake Bentley – the true story of Willie Bentley from Vermont, who is famous for his snowflake micro-photography:

Visit the Snowflake Bentley Website - click the pic!!!

Soon we broke into three groups.  One group worked with Kendyl and her friend Haley – creating symmetrical snowflakes using pipe cleaners and beads.

Another group worked with Miss Sally and Miss Debbie – creating some VERY TRICKY paper snowflakes. I’m sure your child’s backpack is filled with glitter at this point, ha ha.  (Ha ha???)  Yikes!!

We used Rocky Mountain Snowflake's patterns

The final group was with me in the hall- where we made polyhedron snowballs using all those paper plates (thank you!!!)

These are SO cool in person.  Half the students brought home an assembled polyhedron – and the rest brought home 20 plates to make his or her own.  The directions are listed on this Family Fun link: POLYHEDRON SNOWBALLS

Here are the directions to make your own Polyhedrons using paper plates:  FUN!

We swapped groups three times before lunch.

By 1:30, my young helpers were WIPED OUT!!!

We read some more, revealed our Secret Snowflakes, cleaned the classroom, and then settled in for some camp songs.

Mrs. Brooks singing the MOOSE SONG!!!

We sang LOUD right until the dismissal bell, and then headed off into our vacations.

I had such a super duper day and loved spending time with your kids. Hopefully they learned something new today, and enjoyed their time as well.  See you in 2012!!!!

3 thoughts on “WHEW!!!! What a DAY!!!!

  1. Brian Hopkins

    That firefly song is sooooooooo cute! I used to read 2 different firefly books to my students. That song would have went perfect with it, although I can’t use YouTube in school. 🙁 The video you teachers did was a hoot! I also love Blues Clues Planet song, never heard that one before.

    Merry Christmas!

    Brian 🙂

  2. Pingback: FUN FRIDAY: Doing the “Chicken Fat Dance” « Differentiation Daily

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