Technically Invisible

A Spring Shower

The sky was a clear, crystalline blue.  Not a cloud was visible anywhere, yet why did I hear rain?  Carson and I ventured on to the back deck to investigate.  Looking up at the tall oaks in our back yard, we began to notice the source of our confusion.  A flock of grackles had found our oak trees to be a wonderful pit stop on their journey.

There, perched on every available branch, was a grackle, hungrily devouring acorns.  As they released each acorn from it’s pod and shell, the remnants were falling to earth like a springtime rain.  Acorn shells were sprinkling down on decking, tables, grass and us.

We stood a while and watched with curiosity the way the trees glittered with the quick movements of the birds.  Birds would flit from branch to branch, tree to tree, acorn to acorn, hoping to find one morsel more.

Oh the noise!!

Just as Carson and I were ready to return to the house, an unspoken message passed amongst all the birds.  As if guided by a strong leader, all the birds took off together.  Under a cloud of feathers, and a shower of acorns, Carson and I ducked our heads and giggled out loud.

As the last of the birds flew over the roof of our house, we could hear Daddy’s voice coming from the front yard, yelling “Not my grass seed!!!”

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