Technically Invisible

Math Fact Madness

Students have started working on math fact mastery.  During the 3rd grade, they are required to know their addition and subtraction facts up to 20 and their multiplication and division facts from 0-10 automatically. What does automatically mean?  Great question!

Let me back up a little and reference last week’s newsletter which asked students “How Do You Know??”. Before the memorization of math facts occurs, I want students to understand the WHY and the HOW of the math going on “behind the scenes”.  In class, we construct and deconstruct math problems in ways to help students demonstrate and understand mathematics on a deeper level.

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At the same time, we are working on having students reach a rate of math fact fluency which frees them up to solve more in-depth problems.  We are starting to solve two-step real-world problems. If students are relying on counting and finger strategies to solve math facts, it will slow them down and make problem-solving more difficult.

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So, to answer the evasive question of automaticity, I have researched many sources and found rates ranging between 1 to 3 seconds per problem solved. This rate varies depending on the mode of testing – oral, written or digital. In class, we are using all three methods this year to increase fluency rates. So, hopefully students rates will start to fall somewhere in that range.

flash card
At home each night, students can use flash cards, paper quizzes, or they can log on to XtraMath. XtraMath is a great way for students to track their progress and their areas of strength and weakness. Speed and accuracy are key to moving through the levels. I receive weekly email reports detailing the minutes practiced, and progress made for each student. Don’t give up! We’ll get there!


🙂 Thanks to Mrs. Maksym who organized our first trip to the garden. She’d love a 2nd garden helper! If anyone is interested in becoming a Gardens Alive volunteer, let me know.

:)If anyone would like to volunteer to help Mrs. Rourke in the school Library, let me know that, too!
:)Keep those plastic lids coming!!

Smile Wide,

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October 20Video of the WeekScreenshot 10:20:13 7:34 PM

2 thoughts on “Math Fact Madness

  1. Madeline Sabens

    Hey Mrs.Brooks, I was reading about the MATH FACT MADNESS. And then I thought of multiplication starting soon and said to myself I need to practice. So tonight I thought I would not do Xtra Math instead I would do a sheet of math facts before I go to soccer. I can’t wait for a new math session and Disney too!!!!


    1. Suzy Brooks Post author

      Great thinking! Pretty soon I’ll share some online ways to practice multiplication, too! You have lots to look forward to – between Mrs. Brooks’ math lessons and Disney, life is pretty awesome!! Hee!!!
      Mrs. Brooks

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