Technically Invisible

Time’s A Ticking

“You will never find time for anything. If you want time, you must make it.“ – Charles Bixton

My watch. Does anyone really know what time it is, anyways??

My watch. Does anyone really know what time it is, anyways??

I love Daylight Savings time in the fall. For me, the concept is full of possibilities.  I am given an extra hour, and it is up to me how I choose to spend it. Mr. Brooks thinks I am silly – that any “extra” hour is in the middle of the night, so it is spent sleeping… I see things a little differently, and believe that the extra hour can be filled at any point during the day, in any way I choose to fill it.

This is the inside of the Custom House clock in Boston, MA. Time, from a different perspective...

This is the inside of the Custom House clock in Boston, MA. Time, from a different perspective…

I started wondering if others feel the same way, so I put together a one-question survey and posted it on my social media channels right before I went to bed.  I was up an hour early, and slowly watched the numbers climb. Of course, I soon started thinking about the opportunities for math lessons!!  At the time of publishing tonight, there have been 543 responses. I have some awesome friends who shared my link (thank you Charity, Dana, Jerry and the MTA!) and because of them, we have some real meaty numbers to dig into!  Yaay!!

Click Pic to access survey questions.

Click Pic to access survey question.

Needless to say, my students will be working with data over the next week or so.  Every response is time-stamped, and there are many responses which need categorization.  We will have to decide what is “useful data” and what is “bad data”. We’ll make predictions, comparisons, calculations and perhaps draw some conclusions.

Click the pic & see the data!

Click the pic & see the data! — Teachers – if you decide to use this data with your class, PLEASE come back and tell us what you did!!!

When Spring Ahead comes around, I’ll plan on doing the same thing.  I have my personal predictions on what folks will believe they “lose” when we move the clocks ahead, but only the data will tell us that!


Mrs. Brooks’ Students: Here is the link to where we will assemble our data:

Daylight Savings Data Entry

If you would like to see the work we are doing with this data – scroll all the way to the bottom of this post!!


🙂 We are a week away from our Plimoth trip. Lunch orders are due by Friday. If you are a chaperone and are driving instead of busing, thank you! Keep me posted – our buses will be packed!
🙂 Recess is starting to get chilly. Be sure your child is dressed for the weather.
🙂 Almost 30% of you have signed up for Remind 101!  AWESOME! 🙂 If you have questions about it, let me know 🙂

Smile Wide,

MyLiveSignature - My Signatures




November 4

Video of the Week

Screen Shot 2013-11-03 at 9.43.09 PM

The kids were ALL excited to get started!!!


We color-coded each of the categories. We also had to categorize some of the data that people put in the “other” category. Most of what they put fit the category of “doing something fun”, but we had to make some decisions to exclude data because it didn’t really fit any category. Decisions, decisions!!


Using a Google Form made it easy for everyone to enter data. It also made it very easy to share information off of our iPads!! Talk about timely!!

Check out our VINE videos — We are working with data!

Categorizing the raw data.

Categorizing the raw data.

Entering the categorized data into a Google Form for tabulation.

Entering the categorized data into a Google Form for tabulation.

data 1data 2data 3


2 thoughts on “Time’s A Ticking

  1. Becky Zinsmeyer

    Curious as to what your homework menu is. 🙂 I’m on the facebook page that Charity created and found your blog that way!

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