Technically Invisible

We Are In The Know!

Boy – the buzzword in third grade is MCAS.  To ease anxiety and to help prepare Room 204 students, we have been doing a number of things.

During Morning Meeting, we now allow 3 questions from students about MCAS (sometimes more, sometimes less).   They are asking WONDERFUL questions, which hopefully clarify their view of the upcoming tests.

We have done oh-so-many practice selections, and we are using the Falmouth method of answering Open Response Questions. Developed by the folks at Keys to Literacy, The A.N.S.W.E.R. acronym helps all students in grades 2-6 organize answers when responding to an Open Response Question…  As teachers, we are already excited about the improvement we are seeing in all students’ capabilities when they use this new strategy implemented last year.

I have spent many professional development workshops teaching educators about the importance  and opportunity presented by the  Common Core State Standards. Being able to use text evidence in support of an answer is a key skill in these new standards, and students will be honing their abilities as the years go on.

I am always teasing students, saying they need to use the BOOK, not their brain.  They understand that I’m not completely serious – that using their brain is still important. But, when responding to literature, they need to physically GO BACK into the reading and find (and cite!!) evidence that supports their answers.

Next week I’ll write about ideas for preparing your child for the MCAS at home. Other than that, these kids have been preparing for a long time before 3rd grade.  They are totally ready!!

RemindersOur Snack Basket is dwindling – students are asked to return a prepackaged snack when they borrow one.  Keep your eyes peeled for Snack Tickets in student MOOSE books if they had one.

We’re now in Round 2 of Book Talks. I am just amazed by the speed we’re traveling at this year!!  SLOW DOWN! 🙂

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PS: We hope you enjoyed STEAM night at Mullen-Hall.  Room 204 had an augmented reality display in the 3rd grade pod. Each student used oil pastels to create their planet  (we’ve been researching) and then it was brought to life in 3-D using the ColAR app we used earlier this year for FableVision’s Dot Day!  Here’s a peek:

ColAR app Dot Day planets


March 3

Video of the Week
Screen Shot 2014-03-02 at 6.17.42 PM

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