Technically Invisible

Fluency Finders

“The more you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” ~Dr. Seuss

For the 3rd year in a row, I just logged off of the Scholastic Book Clubs website, where I used all of my Bonus Points to order some board books.  You might think that board books are a bit babyish for our mature 3rd graders, right? Well, we have a Big Project in the works, and those board books will play a big part!

Students in 204 have already spent considerable time learning about fluency skills employed by great readers. We will continue next by researching and exploring early literacy, and reflecting on what our own experiences have been as readers.

As soon as the shipment of board books arrives, the real work begins!  Each student will receive a board book to keep for a few weeks.  They will read that book, upside-down, backwards and sideways until they are expertly fluent.  When everyone is ready, I will record them reading their chosen book and burn their recordings onto a CD.

Enter the gift bags: We will fill each bag with one board book, and one CD, along with a carefully planned, perfectly edited letter…  These persuasive letters will be written to parents of brand-new babies, informing them as to why reading to babies is so important, and convincing them to begin immediately!

In May, we will deliver all of our gift bags to Falmouth Hospital, so they can be distributed to all the new 2014 babies.  Who knows? If I stay in teaching long enough, I could see one of those cuties in my class someday!!
Visit the blog for updates and more information on this exciting project! If you are willing to donate a few board books, please let me know, as we are short by a few. We’re so, So, SO excited!!!


RemindersMr. Persico has opened a GoFundMe page and has some great literacy ideas in store himself!  Be sure to stop by his page and check it out.  Also, mark your calendars for next Thursday, April 17th, when he will have us all gather at Eight Cousins and build a new library together.  Details to follow, soon!!

April 7

Video of the Week

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