Technically Invisible

April Showers Bring Many Projects

It’s funny – I took out a blank calendar and started adding in all of the upcoming presentations, projects, lessons, assemblies, visitors, celebrations, field trips and such… After all was said and done, I think I was left with less than an hour of open time.

Though I’m exaggerating to a certain extent, I also cannot believe we are in Post-April-Vacation mode already. The rest of the year is a down-hill slope, which will zip by faster than you think.

Math MCAS is next week. Snack Bags will come home later this week for the same routine as last time. Homework this week will have some practice problems so you have an idea of what your children will be working on. I think they are very well prepared, based on the hard work they have been doing all year.

Wax Museum will be a HUGE focus in the coming weeks.  Students are required to have their book and research materials at school each day. They are allowed to bring them home if needed, but they MUST remember to bring them back to class. Students who forget will come home with a Forgetful Frog, reminding them to bring in their materials.  Ribbit!
Books for Babies is also a big deal, now. Students will bring home a board book to read overandoverandover. Be sure this book also goes to school each day, in case we are practicing or recording students reading their books.
Forgetful FrogBook Talks are done, but will be replaced by Wax Museum prep. BE SURE to use these evenings to prepare for the Wax Museum. Activities can include researching, costume planning, prop collection, speech writing, memorization and practice.  Each year, all students are asked to make every attempt to memorize their speech.

wax museum 2014
June 20th will be our Family Farewell Celebration at 2:00.  Please make every attempt to join us, as students love having their families present.

I know. I just wrote about a June date. It goes against everything I believe in, but I can’t escape the inevitable.  As these weeks fly by, be sure to reach out with questions as we soar. Dream Big!
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April 28Video of the Week

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