Technically Invisible

Wax On!

In case you didn’t hear, the 3rd Grade Wax Museum is less than two weeks away! Talk about ramping up! I thought I’d take some time to make sure we are all on the same page.

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Last week I sent home some important deadlines for students so we can have them prepared for the 29th.  All students should be bringing in their Wax Museum speech this week so we can see if it needs adjustments, and to start practicing.

On Tuesday, students should bring in all of their materials for the Wax Museum. This includes their costume materials, props, final speech and button.  We will begin recording each student as they perform their speech.  Wednesday will serve as a day for overflow recordings.


Some students are asking if they can bring in large props, furniture, etc… I have told them they can bring in whatever they would like, but they need to remove everything by close of school on Friday.  If you have logistical questions about large items, (or anything else) please let me know.

The topic of memorization has come up dozens of times. By having speeches due by today, students are now on the road to being prepared to recite their speech from memory. That doesn’t mean that a small note card with key words listed to trigger memories isn’t allowed.  We do not want any students reading sentences or paragraphs during their speech, so our week will be spent “becoming” our character so it feels natural to talk like him/her.

The night of the Wax Museum, we ask that all students be inside the building by 6pm. Parents and other museum-goers will wait outside until the “Big Reveal”.
The past 6 years has proven to me that 8 and 9 year olds are amazing performers. Their efforts will shine in the halls of Mullen, and I can’t wait for you all to see it happen!!
Thank you for your support!!

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May 19

Video of the Week


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