Technically Invisible

Museum Opening

Can you believe the Wax Museum is here!?!  You will be SO impressed with your children and their hard work. Most students have finished writing their traditional research reports within the classroom.  They are spending their extra time exploring challenging vocabulary they encountered in their research, and building timelines for their characters.

All students have been working cooperatively to help each other present and memorize their Wax Museum speeches.  I have issued a challenge to those students who have memorized their speeches already.
Once their speech is committed to memory – the “real” work begins for them. They can target their efforts to actually “becoming” their assigned character. What would their voice have sounded like? How would they stand? When would they smile, frown, etc…  Taking on the persona of someone else can be a challenge, but lots of fun.

We’ve asked that all materials arrive to school today (Tuesday) so we feel prepared for Thursday evening. If a few items need to dribble in over the next day or so, that is okay. If there is anything I can help you with, be sure to ask.

Have your child at Mullen-Hall on Thursday evening at 6:00pm. We ask that all parents and families remain outdoors until we announce the opening of our Living Wax Museum. At that point, you will all be allowed to enter the building and see the magic happen!
Enjoy every minute!

RemindersWe have a field trip to Aptucxet coming up this Friday, the 30th. If you are CORI’ed and have filled out a Driver Liability Form, AND you have the day available, then we would love the help!  At this point we only have space for 5 students.
Students should bring a lunch on Friday, and wear sunscreen and comfortable shoes as we will be outdoors all day.


Take care,

MyLiveSignature - My Signatures


May 26

Video of the Week


Arlington Memorial Day

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