Technically Invisible

The Great Summer State Plate Race

Our family is always reading license plates.  We love keeping our eyes peeled for far-flung locations and have seen some unique ones over the years.


We enjoy license plates so much that we have been collecting them, too!  Our entire basement has a “border” of license plates, representing all 50 states, along with a few U.S. Territories and Canadian provinces.


So, when each summer rolls around, and we find ourselves out on the roads a bit more, we start our own State Plate Race.   We try to see how many states, territories and provinces we can spot from the last day of school in June, to the first day in September.  Some years, we find only half, and other years (like last year on our trip to Alaska) we nearly fill the whole sheet!


One thing is for sure – we are never able to make much progress unless all of us are working together – it is a family effort!


This year, I thought I’d share our Great Summer State Plate Race with all of you!   Now you and your family can keep track of the plates you spot out on the roads this summer.  We’ve left the middle space open just in case you find a plate that is not listed.   If you find any cool plates, or make awesome progress, be sure to leave a comment here on the blog. If you’re on Twitter, then send me a shoutout at my Twitter handle @SimplySuzy using the hashtag #PlateRace.


Here are two versions to try on for size. Feel free to download, print and share!!

License Plate Race

Download the color version of the License Plate RacePlate Race Simple

Download the Plate Race Simple version.

Happy Hunting….

                On your mark….. Get set…… GO!!

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JULY 1 UPDATE:  We are at 36 states already!!! We’re headed to Washington, DC later this month and hope to see more!!

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