Technically Invisible

Think Like a……

As we thought about the last day of winter, today we read Think Like a Tree, a poem written by Karen I. Shragg from the book The Tree That Time Built: A Celebration of Nature, Science and Imagination. After reading and analyzing the poem, some students decided to write a parallel poem based on signs of spring.   These poems sound like grown-ups wrote them, and students agreed they felt like poets when they were done.

They wrote their poems in their reading notebook, and then typed them up themselves during computer lab today.  Enjoy, and PLEASE leave comments, we’re VERY excited!!



Think Like Grass
Be happy you are green
Start giving your oxygen to the Earth
Be soft to spring picnickers
Stand firm in a storm
Be glad if deer are not around
Emerge renewed at the first signs of spring
Be joyful that you survived the winters
Be still long enough to
feel the wind blow from the west.

Think Like Grass


Soak up the new spring water
Grow lush and be mowed again
Stand straight with pride
Look green for as long as you can
Be prepared for next winter
Emerge renewed at the first sing of spring
Stay in the ground for all four seasons
Be still long enough to
see your self sway in the wind.

Think Like a Robin


Soak up the morning dew
Be prepared for wind
Feel happy wen you have food
Herald that spring is here
Stand out bright red
Emerge renewed at the first signs of spring
Fly into the sunlight
be still long enough
to hear your wings flutter

Think Like a Rabbit

Hop around in the warm sun
scamper to and fro
feel happy, hoppy and fun
eat clovers, weeds and grass
nestle down in the green all around
emerge renewed at the first signs of spring
play with your rabbit family
be still long enough to hear
your nose twitch at the new smell of spring.

Think Like a Cardinal


Swoop and loop like a little Cardinal
Feel the sweet breeze in your face
Spot another little red dot sitting on the edge of a tree branch
Sit out on a porch and watch the beauty
emerge renewed at first signs of spring
See yourself with a color of perfect red
Be still long enough to
hear yourself chirping.

Think Like a Bird


sing brightly as a nightingale
flutter happily and gracefully
be cute as a baby mouse
sing loud enough for a princess to hear
fluff up your feathers
Emerge renewed at the first sign of spring
be still long enough
to hear your own singing.

Think Like a Crocus


Take in the energy that falls from the sun
Open bright and early in the morning
Close when it turns dark
Feel the warmth that means spring time is here
Emerge renewed at the first signs of spring
Provide food for the bees and the butterflies
Be still long enough to
Hear the grass grow around you.

Think Like a Cat

~Angelina D.

Climb the trees, new with buds.
Catch more birds, as they make their nests.
Leap into spring!
Play with old leaves , fallen last autumn.
Hurry in to get dry.
Emerge renewed at the first sign of spring.
Show who you are.
Be still long enough to
Think of bird eggs on their way.

Think Like a Bird


Fly with the wind
Listen for songs in the morning
stay outside to hear them
hang on through the night
feel happy about warmer days
emerge renewed at the first signs of spring
soon you will have baby eggs
be still long enough to
hear your babies singing.

Think Like a Tulip


See the blue sky overhead
reach for the warm sun
Bloom strong in the spring air
Hear the sounds of birds in the spring
Notice animals getting more food
Emerge at the first signs of spring
Be patient in your growth
Be still long enough to
hear your own buds blooming.

Think Like a Robin

Soar through the sky
Feel the air on your wings,
Dance with other birds,
Feel happy,
Enjoy the view,
Emerge renewed at the first sign of spring,
Land gracefully,
Be still long enough to hear the wind

Think Like a Daffodil


Pop open when you see the Sun
Look at the Sun like it`s all you need
Sway when a gust of wind picks up
Hang your head low, away from the cold
Help make the world a prettier place
Stand straighter after it rains
Emerge and renew at the first sign of spring
Keep your roots firm in the ground
Be still long enough to
see the clouds move.

7 thoughts on “Think Like a……

  1. Mrs. Evans

    Wow–Mrs. Brooks, you have a room full of poets! The images in these poems are beautiful. I sure do hope that spring is here to stay!

    Nathaniel, we will certainly have to enjoy the soft grass on some fun spring picnics! 🙂

  2. Ms. Sawyer

    Dear Mrs. Brooks’ class,
    Congratulations on your amazing poetry! The images and feelings in your poems were both powerful and beautiful. Keep up the great work!
    Ms. Sawyer

  3. Nathaniel's Grandma

    Third graders-What a wonderful job of writing poetry. You should make a book!

    Nathaniel-Great writing and green grass is a sure sign of spring. Thanks for a very descriptive poem.

  4. taylor hazelton

    Dear Mrs Brooks Class of Third Graders,
    I am in Fith grade and i even thought that fourth graders wrote that poetry it is so well. I really like all of the poetry I think you should write a book Good Job:} :}!!!!!!!!!!!!


  5. Karen Shragg

    What an honor to have to study my poem and use it as an assignment..
    I am so pleased.. and grateful.. carry on.. Karen

  6. Suzy Brooks Post author

    Thank you Karen, for finding us and for leaving a response. We are hoping to try creating a parallel poem again this year. You wrote a fabulous poem, and we were so inspired by it!
    Dream Big!

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