Technically Invisible

Comprehension Strategies on a Fall Afternoon

We worked together today on the comprehension strategy of visualizing…..  Some authors write in a such a way, that clear images are created in our minds…

A great way to practice visualization is through poetry.  We shared a poem today as a class, and everyone shared the clear images they had when we were done….

Soon, we started drawing what we saw… Check out the video of your HARD WORKING students!  It is such a pleasure being their teacher – they are just wonderful.

Click the poem to see the video!

21 thoughts on “Comprehension Strategies on a Fall Afternoon

  1. leah

    To Mrs.Brooks
    For family game night I played Scarbble. Know one won because my mom and I did not finish because it was really late it was like 11:30 I was with dogs that night and one of the pieces got eaten by one of the dogs.That`s what happend at family game night.
    From Leah

  2. Suzy Brooks Post author

    Hi Leah,

    Scrabble is a fun game, but you are right – it can take a long time to play. Even I can’t keep my eyes open until 11:30!! Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow – thanks for the note!!

    Love, Mrs. Brooks

  3. Jonathan

    Hi Mrs. Brooks, I- -I’m so nervous about the ear surgrey but I’m will be asleep in 15 min. So How are you doing tday?? But I’m So
    nervous about the ear surgrey. I press the shift key 5 times already!!!!!!

  4. Suzy Brooks Post author

    Hi JC,

    Nervousness is such a normal way to feel in so many situations…. I hope that you will be sound asleep before you even know it!! I’m so glad you sent me a note – and I’ll see you soon! Good luck, my friend!

    Mrs. Brooks

  5. Jonathan

    Hi Mrs. Brooks, my mom said don’t eat anything because there will put a gas of the masck on me but if I eat anything I will probly
    going to thow up so when I woke I began to get a little scared at that point. when I woke up from the surgrey I will said: why did
    that mean old witch put me to sleep

  6. Suzy Brooks Post author

    Wow Jonathan – that was FAST! I’m so glad everything went so well. Can’t wait to see you back at school! Have a great weekend,

    Mrs. Brooks


  7. Jonathan

    Hi Mrs. Brooks, what if I go in the school with out heering aids??
    well Mrs. Brooks I wish I whold go to school after the surgrey but
    I can’t. In the Hospital I was hiding in my blanket so no one not
    see me because I was scared so no surgrey forever!!!! So mrs. brooks
    how are you doing?

  8. Suzy Brooks Post author

    Hi Buddy!

    Are you saying you don’t have to wear your hearing aids after your surgery, or are you just teasing me?? I’m glad you stayed home to rest before coming back to school. You’ll be back before you know it.

    Even though you were afraid, Jonathan – I think you were still very brave. I get very scared when I have surgery, so I am very very proud of you.

    How am I doing? Well – I always feel “BUSY” – Tomorrow I’m going to spend the day with my whole family to celebrate some birthdays. We’re going to Gillette Stadium to visit the Hall and go for dinner. Then on Sunday, Mrs. K Dawson is coming over to work on a project with me. I’m sleepy, also, now that I think about it. It’s 11:14pm and I’m waiting for a movie to finish so I can go to bed!

    Hopefully you’re sound asleep after your big day. Thank you for keeping me posted, my friend.

    Nite nite!
    Love, Mrs. Brooks

  9. Jonathan

    Hi Mrs. brooks, did you know that I like Extra dark chocklate chips?
    I like it because I called it Y.U.M there were so good. I think that
    you will like it. Only 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10. ohh I know only 10 more
    days left until I going to Pennsylvania at 8:30 P.M. I going to be on the car driving to Pennsylvania.

  10. Suzy Brooks Post author

    Hi Jonathan, I didn’t know you like Extra Dark Chocolate Chips!! That’s just one more reason why I like you so much!

    A trip to Pennsylvania is exciting for Thanksgiving! I know my family is excited to see me on Thanksgiving, too. I hope you have a lot of fun, my friend.

    What is your favorite part of turkey dinner? I love the bread, homemade butter, turkey, squash, brussel sprouts, homemade cranberry sauce, grapenut pudding, and a whole bunch of other things. Thanksgiving is almost as wonderful as Extra Dark Chocolate Chips.

    Mrs. K. Dawson just left my house – we did a school project together and I think we did a great job! See you tomorrow, buddy!

    Love, Mrs. Brooks

  11. Jonathan

    Hi Mrs. Brooks, on November 23 I will be in the car with my dad with
    all the states which is Massachusetts,Rode Island,pass the T.F Green
    Airport and you will end up in Connecticut then pass another airport
    then you will end up in New York then you will pass another airport
    then you will in 3 hours in New Jersey in 1 hour you will pass a one
    again we will pass another airport and you will end up in Delaware..
    then you will end up in Maryland then you will pass the last airport
    which is Baltimore international Airport then you will end Virginia.
    I will be staying 1 night. My brother
    David is living in Virginia, so that way I can see My Brother
    there and ( Ding-Dong the witch is dead which old witch the wicked–
    witch Ding-dong the wicked witch is dead wake up you sleepy head rub
    your eyes get out a bed wake up the wicked witch is dead whooooooooo

    1. Suzy Brooks Post author

      Jonathan! You are almost as good as a GPS!!!! I bet you could help me find my way south if I drove there, too!

      That’s a long drive – what do you do to keep busy! Keep your eyes peeled for Wyoming – that is the ONLY license plate we haven’t seen!

      Mrs. Brooks

  12. Jonathan

    Hi Mrs. Brooks, what about the bad angel? a bad agel is like when you at the airport or ather place somebudy might said that in the
    right side is a bad angel. So how are you doing?? Come visit me in
    Miss. Tabaracci class in the afternoon please… well I will see you tommorow!!!!

    Love Jonathan

  13. Suzy Brooks

    Hi Jonathan,

    I’m not sure what you mean by a bad angel – is that like a jumbo shrimp? It was nice seeing you in the hallway today – I’ll try to visit you in your classroom.

    Mrs. Brooks

  14. Jonathan

    Hi Mrs. Brooks, in 3 mre days me and my dad were going in the car and I
    hope there won’t be any traffic in New Jersey. So How are you doing today?
    well in 4 more days until I will be with Gerri… uh Oh in 4 more days
    is way to far wait I know what can I do I had to wait for 2 days first.
    When 2 days were over I will wait 2 more days again.

    Love Jonathan

  15. Suzy Brooks

    Hi Jonathan – I agree – it’s better to wait 2 days, and then wait 2 days again. You’ll have fun the whole time, I’m sure.

    We’re cleaning our whole house today (yuck) and then tonight I’m going to see a Drum & Bugle Corp concert with Ms. Sawyer. I can’t wait to hear the loud music!

    Have a great Saturday, my friend!
    Mrs. Brooks

    PS: How was the Olympian presentation yesterday at school? I missed out on it and would love to hear you tell me more!!

    1. Jonathan

      Hi Mrs. Brooks, Is 3 more days is to far?? Because me and my dad
      had to get in the car and going to Virginia and get there at P.M
      which is 10:00 P.M. Do you think that my dad will get there that
      time?? Because that’s is the the time I want to get there…….
      So how are you doing????

      Love Jonathhan

  16. Suzy Brooks

    Hi Jonathan,
    I’m sure your dad will get you there as quickly and as safely as possible. 🙂 You know that it’s a holiday week, so you might hit traffic – but there’s not too much you can do about that – so bring some books or music or drawing paper to keep yourself busy and you’ll be there before you know it, buddy!

    I’m doing just fine!

    Love, Mrs. Brooks

  17. Jonathan

    Hi Mrs. Brooks, I really want my dad to get there at 10:00P.M that’s
    the time I want. So I think I might not be able to hit the traffic….
    I will make sure that we get there at 10:00P.M. So If it was 11:00P.M
    That would be nice So that way I can tell my brother all the states-
    that we pass. So What ever I woke up at 12:00P.M Because I might get
    up late Because I think that might get a 3 hours traffic in New Jersey. So again How are you doing?? I think I already ask you that
    didn’t I?? So if we got up at 12:00P.M we might said Oh no were late already Love Jonathan

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