Technically Invisible

How Did You Feel?

After you heard Mrs. Brooks’ story about her Secret Valentine, how did you feel?  Tell me about your reaction to my story.  “Secret Admirer” is a story that I wrote new this year – I’ve always been too embarrassed to share it.  What did you think????

Leave a Comment!!!!

I miss you all today – I’m feeling better and will see you all tomorrow morning.

Lots of love,
Mrs. Brooks

“The Secret Admirer”

The sky was a brilliant blue the day Mrs. Pollak passed out the class list for Valentine’s Day.  It was February, 1980, and I was in the sixth grade. I was extremely shy, perfectly well behaved, and a great student.  I loved my teacher, I loved Valentine’s Day, and I was starting to think I was in love with a boy.

All I had to do, was look across the room at him, and my whole face would burn up like a ripe apple.  I would never have the courage to talk to him, or tell him how I felt, because I was just too bashful.  But thankfully Valentine’s Day was right around the corner, and I’d have my chance to give him a hint.

Every year, students at our school designed Valentine’s boxes — beautifully decorated creations, which were then used to collect all of our valentines at school.  My box was extra special this year, with pink stickers and white feathers, and I had used shiny white paper to cover it.  It was beautiful. It was ready.

Next, I set about creating my valentines. Although I had left my list at school, I knew each name by heart and set to work…  I created one for every student in the class, including him.  The valentines were made of shiny white paper, with pink stickers and white feathers.  (Even when I was 12 years old, I had to make sure everything matched!)  Each student’s name was carefully written on the front, and I had signed each one with my name in cursive. They were beautiful. They were ready.

Back to the boy…   I decided that sending him an anonymous card would be my best bet.  He’d get the hint that someone liked him, and hopefully I’d get lucky and he’d notice me.  I wanted to be very careful to create a valentine that was different than all my others.  I used a deep red paper, with hand-cut white hearts and a few candies glued on the front.  Inside – I wrote the following:

Dear Kile – I think you are very sweet and very cute. Love, Your Secret Admirer.

I was especially careful to disguise my handwriting. I did not sign my name.  It was beautiful. It was ready.

The dark gray sky on Valentine’s morning did nothing to dampen my mood.  I was walking on air, and spent a little extra time getting ready.  I chose a special outfit, and had my mom help me with my hair.  I even put on my BonneBell lip gloss and Love’s Baby Soft perfume!  I packed up my box, my Valentines and my secret card, and set off for school.  I could hardly contain my excitement, I was so happy.  I was beautiful.  I was ready.

The time came, late in the afternoon, when Mrs. Pollak finally told us it was time to pass out our Valentines.  I left my box on my desk, and carefully made my way around the room, dropping cards into all the boxes I came to.  I took special care NOT to drop his Regular Valentine into his box at the same time as his Special One. I did not want them side by side. I was certain that no one noticed when I dropped the red valentine into his box.  My heart was pumping in my throat by the time I sat down in my chair.

Next came the part I had been waiting for – we all opened our valentines and arranged them all on our desks.  I could see from across the room that he had opened his Secret Valentine, as it was on his desk with his others…  My cheeks started turning pink.

Soon, Mrs. Pollak inquired “Did any of you receive any unusual Valentines?”

From the corner of my eye, I saw him raise his hand.  I started to blush even more.

“I did, Mrs. Pollak.” He said with a shy smile in his voice. “I received a card from a secret admirer.”

“OOOhh!” said Mrs. Pollak “Do you know who it is from?”

“I think so.” He said.

“Well that’s exciting!  Do you want to share?”  My teacher asked him.

The whole class was now turned towards him, waiting for his reply. He was now also blushing bright red.  He softly said “The mystery valentine has my name spelled wrong: K.I.L.E.  It should be K.Y.L.E.”

My face grew red hot as he continued…  “Only one other person spelled my name wrong the same way…..  it was Suzy.”

Every face turned towards me as I tried to turn invisible.  I was about to throw up all over my beautifully feathered box when I heard Mrs. Pollak, saying – “Well, Kyle – I wouldn’t jump to conclusions – I saw a couple of young ladies come in the room from down the hall while we were passing out valentines.  My guess is that you have several possible secret admirers…”

Then, my wonderful teacher changed the subject by saying it was time to eat our cookies while we listened to her read our read-aloud chapter book.  She read to us until the very end of the day.

As the bell rang, and I went to leave the classroom, Mrs. Pollak gave me a smile, a wink and quick hug as she whispered in my ear….  “Suzy, I admire how brave you were today, but next time?  Remember to use the class list!”

29 thoughts on “How Did You Feel?

  1. Leah

    Hi Mrs.Brooks
    We had a lot of fun today at school in art we did CLAY!!!!!!!!!!!Cool right?
    See you at school tomorrow

    1. Suzy Brooks Post author

      Hi Lexi — Kendyl and Carson laughed at me when I read it. I’m glad you loved it, that makes me feel better.

      Love, Mrs. Brooks

    1. Suzy Brooks Post author

      Hi Alden — you didn’t mention anything about my story!! I am starting to feel better – I’ll see you in the morning 🙂

      Love, Mrs. Brooks

    1. Suzy Brooks Post author

      Who had a good day?? “Student #1?” I’m glad you did. Make sure you leave a comment about the story you heard during writing today!

      See you in the morning,
      Love, Mrs. Brooks

    1. Suzy Brooks Post author

      Thanks, Liam – but you’ll see me plenty before Christmas rolls around, lol… Hey – you didn’t mention my Valentine story! How was it?

      Mrs. Brooks

  2. Grant

    Today we finally did clay in art! After we came to the classroom we first did alot of arguing for if it was a fun Friday greeting with 16 and 2. Then we couldn’t decide if we were going to Read some more ” Bad kitty vs Uncle Murray”. So we just read a different story.We had a fun day but we all missed you very much.

    1. Suzy Brooks Post author

      Hi Grant, thank you for the sweet note and for updating me about your day. I think it is very mature of you to use numbers when talking about how students were trying to solve a problem. I’m glad you were all flexible and we can always figure it out tomorrow. How was the story you heard?

      I missed you last week! I’m so glad you’re back.

      Mrs. Brooks

  3. Kenneth

    Dear Mrs. Brooks,

    Why were you out today? We really missed you! When we read Secret Admirer I was surprised to see that she spelled the boys name wrong.

    Love, Kenneth

    1. Suzy Brooks Post author

      Hi Kenneth,
      You’re right – I’m still surprised I spelled his name wrong – I’m a very good speller and I should have been more careful. That’s part of what made it so embarrassing! I’m glad you enjoyed it. I missed you also, I wasn’t feeling well at all.

      Mrs. Brooks

  4. Gabe

    Hi it’s Gabe Hi if you are at the computer you have to make me home lunch tomorrow. Guess what level my Palkia is it is a Pokemon. It is 29 levels from level 100 what level is it? I want the staraptor pokemon toy for Christmas. On December 10th I want you to take me to walmart to get me a toy please. O.K. I can’t write anymore.

    1. Suzy Brooks Post author

      Hi Gabe, I’m on the computer, but I’m thinking that you might be writing to your mom? I can’t make you lunch tomorrow or take you to Walmart to get you a toy — but both of those things would be very fun!

      Carson is very impressed by the level of your Po-Ke-Mon, though! Thanks for sharing!!

      See you tomorrow,
      Mrs. Brooks

    1. Suzy Brooks Post author

      Hi Brianna, I was out because I didn’t feel well today. I feel better now and will see you at school tomorrow morning. We’ll be able to wish each other Merry Christmas plenty of times before we head off on vacation :). I’m glad you liked the story – why did you love it?

      See you soon!
      Love, Mrs. Brooks

    1. Suzy Brooks Post author

      I’m sure it did make you think, #20 – but did it make you feel a certain way?? I still get all red in the face when I think about it, lol…

      See you tomorrow!!!
      Mrs. Brooks

  5. Jonathan

    Hi Mrs. Brooks, Next week I’m going to go in 2 traveling plans next
    week for 2 traveling plans to do. That makes me very buzy,buzy buzy, buzy, buzy…
    So How are you doing today?? Today I showed Mrs. Steele and Ms. Mara
    how to put my clarinet together Because next week I’m going to
    Pennsylvania to wake up probaly at 4:00 A.M or 5:00A.M Because I had to get to the franconia governmental center.

  6. Suzy Brooks

    Hi Ruby – it’s okay – if you comment, I get the message no matter where it is…. thank you again to you, Isabelle and Angelina N for the recess artwork poster!!

    Hi Jonathan – you are BUSY, there’s not doubt about that! I hope you had a great time in band today – I am glad I got to see you for a minute before you headed off! Do you practice your clarinet?? I bet it’s tricky to play if you don’t practice, huh? You’ll have a great time in PA over vacation – enjoy every minute!

    I’m doing okay. I’ve been pretty sick, but am hoping I’ll feel better soon… Thank you for checking in on me!

    Love to you both,
    Mrs. Brooks

  7. Suzy Brooks Post author

    Nope, Ruby – I’m starting to think of Anole Names, though ;).

    See you soon, snowy girl!!
    Mrs. Brooks

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