Technically Invisible

The Excitement Never Ends!!

So last night, Mrs. Brooks was sitting here in the living room, reading a book (a teaching book, of course!) when all of a sudden, I heard Mr. Brooks yell – “What IS that???”.  Then Kendyl started screaming “Ahhhh….  AHHHhhhh… AAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!  I caught sight of what caused the rukus and I said — “It’s a chipmunk!!”

Immediately – Kendyl jumped onto her laptop and started Googling.  I ran to get my camera, and Mr. Brooks went to find a cardboard box.  We paused a minute or so, just long enough for Kendyl to tell us that this was no chipmunk – it was a flying squirrel!!  I snapped a few pictures, and we set a plan into place to catch the little cutie….

Isn't that a cool birdhouse?? - It's a school!

We thought if I snuck up from behind the squirrel, and Mr. Brooks stood in front of her with the cardboard box, she would just jump right inside.  Right?  Wrong.  Kendyl was still Googling – and reading out loud to us that we should be calling Animal Control.  But we felt that we already had this animal under control!  Just as Mr. Brooks got close enough – the squirrel jumped from that table and clung to the side of my fireplace. It was then that we could see her wings (SO COOL!!!!).  We tried the box one more time, and she flew to the rocking chair.

Doesn't it look like she's wearing a cape?? ha ha

As you can see from the picture – she wasn’t going to stay out in the open for very long.  Mr. Brooks was NOT happy that I was still snapping pictures, so we put down the camera (sigh) and went to get a garbage bag.  The little squirrel jumped up to our fireplace mantel where she hid down inside one of my plants.  We took the bag and covered the plant and then patted around until she jumped into the bag.  It was perfect!!!  We were like pros!!

Was anyone else watching the Red Sox?? 😛

I quickly grabbed my camera and took a pic as Mr. Brooks carefully brought our furry friend outside.  By the time I caught up with him, and took a picture – all I was able to see was the empty bag — that little “Scaredy Squirrel” scampered right out of the bag, and into the peaceful quiet of the evening.  Goodbyeeeeeee!!!!!

Do you see why painting my front porch was on my to-do list? And weeding?? ha ha

As we sat down, laughing together about the adventure we just had (it lasted all of five minutes), both Kendyl AND Mr. Brooks said “Hmmmmm….. I THOUGHT I heard something scurrying around this morning, but I thought it was the wind!”.  Well, at least next time, we’ll know that when there’s a scurrying sound in the house, it probably isn’t the wind.

Have you ever had a wild creature in your house?  We’ve had more than our share, but this is the first time I’ve captured it on film.  Leave a comment and share your story.  For me? I’m going to get my Writer’s Notebook and start drafting a personal narrative!  Yaay!

12 thoughts on “The Excitement Never Ends!!

  1. Mrs. Brooks

    Thanks, Brianna, the little squirrel was so cute!!! Are you all ready for 4th grade? Good luck – you’ll be super duper!!

    Mrs. Brooks

  2. Mrs. Brooks

    Hi Kyle – thanks so much for checking out our wild story! I can’t wait to see everybody tomorrow – and it feels like forever since I’ve seen you! Get to bed early and good luck in your 4th grade class!!! Woo Hoo!!

    Love, Mrs. Brooks

  3. Suzy Brooks Post author

    Hi Peter – I LOVE visits from Old Friends! How have you enjoyed your first days of your new school? Hope you had a great summer!! You’re off on new adventures and I hope you enjoy every step of the way! Miss you!!

    Mrs. Brooks

  4. Anonymous

    If you have an iPhone or android, get the app “words with friends” it’s free and you can play scrabble and chat all for free! If you get it, you can play with me, and my user name is PMsk8

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