Technically Invisible

Massachusetts, Our Home

We were fortunate 4 years ago to receive brand new textbooks to complement our social studies curriculum. Third Graders in Falmouth learn about Massachusetts, Falmouth and 6 different Native American tribes from various U.S. regions.  It’s a very interesting year in social studies!

Massachusetts, Our Home is a beautiful text, which explores topics in geography, economics, government and history.  In Room 204, our Essential Question in social studies this year is “How has the world around us changed, and how might it change in the future?” We will be framing our learning with that question in mind.  Whether the “world” we study is as small as our family, or as large as our planet, we will search for answers to our Essential Question along the way.

Homework this week – make sure on each night (Wed and Thur)- you only have to choose one homework item from the menu. If you’d like to do more, that is A-O-K – but one is what to aim for.

What’s to come:

Our first week with the Homework Menu was a success! Some asked me about what math and vocabulary games could be played. GREAT question! I’m making a list, but in the meantime – Hangman, Scrabble, and Categories are great vocab options – with flash cards, card games and online games as a quick math suggestion.  More ideas are coming soon – feel free to share some!

We’re still looking for drivers for the afternoon of October 25, when we are heading to Coonamessett Farm.  Let me know if you can help. This trip is $5.00 per student, which can be sent in this week.

Book orders are due Friday.

Smile Wide,

Mrs. Brooks

We are starting a year-long, behind the scenes project called Where’s George?  For homework, students are asked to bring in a dollar bill.  We hope that they know where the dollar bill came from.  When it goes home again, I want them to come back and tell me where they decided to spend it.  We will stamp the bill, log the serial numbers online at and hopefully track where they end up.  We’ll keep you posted!

Schoolhouse Rock! this week – is another multiplication video – all about the twos and doubling.  I’ll be curious if you will all be able to sing this quickly!!

I had fun creating a Halloween card, hee hee…

I had fun creating a Halloween card online....

9 thoughts on “Massachusetts, Our Home

  1. Casey

    Hi Mrs.Brooks today we were learning about conjunctions and i was singing the conjunction junction whats your function got AND BUT and OR that can get you pretty far

  2. Casey

    Hi Mrs.Brooks
    I love your new build-a-bear!!!!! Even though this doesn’t sound right i think it should be build-a-pet because not all of them r bears like Journey shes a rabbit not a bear!!!!!:)

    see u tomorow!!!!!!!!!!!!,

    1. Suzy Brooks Post author

      Thanks, Casey! I’ll be posting pics and information about our new Pet (ha ha) soon. The book is VERY funny if you want to come borrow it for your classroom for the day – it teaches us to respect our differences. It made me smile!!

      Thanks for stopping by this morning!
      Mrs. Brooks

  3. Kyle

    hi mrs. brooks that halloween ecard was cool I liked how you picked the members of your family to be like the vampire and all of that.Two years ago my mom made one and our dog was the mad scientist!

    1. Suzy Brooks Post author

      Hi Kyle – it was fun making the video – I had to put Mr. Brooks in twice because there were too many characters, but I should have thought to use Bailey! I bet your video was funny with the puppy!! Great idea – thanks for stopping by and it was great seeing you today!!
      Mrs. Brooks

  4. Casey

    Have u read it all ready?
    I dont exactly know when we’ll have time to read it so i’ll have to ask my teacher I might be able ti get it tomorow!!!!!

    thanks Mrs.Brooks!!!

  5. Jack R.

    Hello Mrs. Brooks! We saw your e-card and made one too. We also have made one with everyone as Star Wars characters. We just now made one with me, my brother Thomas and Trevor as Zombies. My favorite part of the video I made was when Trevor pointed out the window and said “SUN!!!” it was very funny. Too bad we can’t play the game “Plants vs. Zombies” with our Jib Jab zombies! See you tomorrow. Jack

    1. Suzy Brooks Post author

      Jack, that is SO awesome – what a fun program it is! I love when they come out with new free ones :). I had to use Mr. Brooks twice, but after seeing my friend Kyle post about using his dog – I’m wishing I used my cat (or my FISH!!!). Thanks for the comment and I’m glad you had fun on JibJab!
      Mrs. Brooks

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