Technically Invisible

Life in the Dojo

This week we took the plunge and started using Class Dojo.

We  keep track of our behavior as a team – Warm Fuzzies earn us extra minutes of Fun Friday Free Time, and our negative minutes are also tracked.  Some weeks?  We owe Mrs. Brooks some time on Fun Friday, and other weeks, we earn extra time (yaay!!).  Enter Class Dojo.  We now track our team behavior digitally!

Class Dojo allows us to enter all of the positive behaviors that make Mrs. Brooks feel all Warm & Fuzzy:

And our negative behaviors – the ones we are trying hard to improve:

Each time Mrs. Brooks chooses an item on the positive menu, it “dings” in a happy way.  Every time she chooses something from the negative menu,  it “gongs” in a very sad, sad way… At the end of the week, we are able to see a graph of how we measured up!  Over time, we’ll be able to note trends, and growth as third graders!

Here’s our progress so far – can you see what skills are our strengths? Do you see what we need to work on?  How cool!!

5 thoughts on “Life in the Dojo

  1. Kalen

    Hi Suzy – Kalen from ClassDojo here. Thanks so much for the great blog post! It was really great to chat with you the other day and hear more about your work. We really appreciate your support.

    If anyone comes across this blog and has any questions for us or needs help getting set up, please don’t hesitate to reach out – 🙂

  2. Suzy Brooks Post author

    Thanks for saying hi, Kalen! Using ClassDojo as a whole-group has been working well! You’re right – the sound is effective 🙂 I enjoyed talking to you as well, and will keep you posted on any developments here in third grade!!

    Take care,

    1. Suzy Brooks Post author

      You’re welcome, Tina :). It is easier for me to be consistent with this system, than when I was trying to keep up with all the students in my class.
      Thank you for stopping by!

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