Technically Invisible

Literacy For Life!!!

This is the final post in a 6-part series.  Either scroll down the Literacy for Life category, or, here is PART ONE of this project….

Wow – today was the day!!! I’m so proud of my students, they are WONDERFUL!

The bags were loaded, decorated and organized, ready to go….

Each bag contained a CD burned with all 23 book recordings, one board book, one hand-written letter, three brochures from Jim Trelease’s website, and an introductory letter from me.  Here is a sample student letter written by Lily:

Now remember, today was the Mullen-Hall Helping Hands Day – so all 500 students in our school were heading out to perform community service. We had to wait for our bus to be called…

We climbed aboard the buses, and were soon delivered to the front door of Falmouth Hospital.  I quietly led a long line of third graders through the lobby, up the stairs, and into the Maternity Ward…  We waited quietly while babies and tour guides were gathered….

First off?  A new baby!!! Yaay!!  Some of my students had never seen such a tiny baby – so it was a treat for them!!

We soon started our tour with Rebecca….  down the hall we went….

We carefully placed all 23 of our gift bags on the counter as we walked by – Each student was so proud as they added it to the display.  SO cute!!

The Tour Continues…. Checking out the tubes that transport the food from here… to there…..

Labor & Delivery room — Q & A from our 3rd graders….Heading out – what a nice visit – and it meant a lot to all of us that we were able to deliver our project in person!!

A little down-time as we waited for the bus – I taught the kids 7-Up.  Some of them had never played! 🙂

PHEW!!!!!  I can’t believe it’s all behind us, now!!

When we returned to school, we had a quick, impromptu dance party.  We’ve been listening to all week – What I Am is the song, and he has some Sesame Street friends helping him sing!

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