Technically Invisible

Almost There!!

The kids have a lot of questions about the upcoming Wax Museum, on Wednesday, May 30th. Let me give everyone a run-down…

At school, we have been doing research to write an old-fashioned biography book report.  Our report will be on display during our Wax Museum.  We created portraits of our characters during Arts Alive.

At home, students are preparing to “become” their characters…  They are designing some type of appropriate costume, choosing 3 relevant props to go on display, and are preparing a speech.  All students should attempt to memorize their speech before the 30th.  It is much more interesting to listen to a presentation that has been practiced many times J .

This week’s homework will be scaled back, in order to give students plenty of time to prepare.  Please be sure that your child takes this opportunity to work hard.  Everyone’s speech should be completely written in the next day or so, so we can spend time practicing during class time. Bring it to school, I’ll copy it for you and am happy to review it and give feedback, too.

On Tuesday the 29th, we will have an in-class dress rehearsal. We will record talks on that day. Bring everything you need!!

On Wednesday the 30th we have a daytime (full costume) performance.  Students should BRING their costumes for daytime rehearsals & performances.  The evening of May 30, we will have our final performance at 6:30pm. Students should WEAR their costumes, and arrive a bit early to be set up and ready to go. Bring a water bottle for all performances.

Questions?? Let me know!

What’s to Come:

🙂 If you are able to drive for the upcoming field trip (JUNE 8!!!!!), please let me know.  We are close to having enough drivers! Yaay!!

🙂  Be sure to visit the blog to see the 6-part series documenting our Books for Babies project.  We enjoyed the Mullen-Hall Helping Hands Day. Hopefully your not-so- little 3rd grader filled you in! I promised them copies of our CD before year’s-end. Hang in there!

🙂 Our “Blogoversary” is in 13 days. Last year our goal was 10,000 visitors and we reached it. This year, I hoped for 20,000. It looks like we’ll be at 50,000!! WOW!!! Stop by, look around and leave a comment saying “Hi!”

Stand Tall, Mrs. Brooks

I’m on a roll with Sesame Street (can you blame me? They are wonderful!!!) – this is Bruno Mars with a great message for my hard working Wax-Museum-ers…. Don’t Give Up!

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