Technically Invisible

Think Green!

Would you like to hear about our classroom behavior management system? Each student has a pocket on the wall labeled with his or her number.  Everyone starts the day with a green card.  The kids all know that Green = Go, Good, and Great.  Their cards stay green as long as their behavior is mostly on target.

If behavior is off-target in some way, students receive a warning card, which is yellow.  They all know that Yellow =  Caution, Be Careful, Stop & Think.  The yellow card stays in their pocket until behavior is back on target.  In the (thankfully) rare cases that the concerning behavior continues, or worsens, a student might receive a red card.  Red cards are each equal to 5 minutes of lost Fun Friday Free Time.  Fun Friday is a 25-minute reward at the end of each week. Parents are welcome to request any red cards their child has received at any point in the year, as I date and label each of them.

In the unfortunate event someone loses all 25 minutes of Fun Friday Free Time, they will receive the dreaded blue card, which goes home for parent signatures. I am hoping  blue cards are not necessary this year. Your kids have the hang of the system, ask them (or me!) if you have questions…

🙂 I suggest creating a  Homework Center basket containing supplies your child may need to finish assignments. Falmouth Homework Guidelines state that homework should last about 45-60 minutes, including 20 minutes of reading time and 5 minutes of math fact practice.  Drop me a note if homework becomes an issue in some way.  We’ll figure it out together.
🙂 The Mullen-Hall carnival is this Saturday from 11-4!

Smile Wide,

17 thoughts on “Think Green!

  1. Mia

    I am very happy that you have not put me on yellow or red.Also I am happy that you are my 3rd grade teacher you are one of the nicest teachers I have ever had:):P:D

    1. Suzy Brooks Post author

      Hi Mia! Thanks for your kind note – yellow is something that happens a lot as the year goes along, but I can tell there won’t be many reds in this class at all. You have been on-target and I’m sure third grade will be a great year for you! I’m so glad you are in my class, and thank you for stopping by and saying hello!
      Love, Mrs. Brooks

  2. Ruby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hey, Mrs. Brooks!! It has been awhile! I’m now in the 6th grade, and lovin’ it! I miss the third grade a whole lot, too! Hopfully I will be able to Visit Mullen Hall really soon. What is your new stuffed animal gonna be this year??
    Love, Ruby 🙂

    1. Suzy Brooks Post author

      Hey Ruby!

      6th grade?? That’s crazy talk! I’m so glad you are loving it. I loved my 6th grade year, too. That was the same year as my Secret Valentine story – remember that one? Hope you’ve been finding time to draw – I love your cartoons :). I of course can’t say what the new pal will be this year – but I can say that at some point I’m going to run out of room to store them all!!!

      Keep in touch and thanks for stopping by to say hello!
      Mrs. Brooks

      1. Ruby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        Ohh, yah, I remember that story!!
        I’ve been drawing lots!

        love, Ruby.
        your links are sooo cool! (I really like The draw a stick man one)

  3. Casey

    Hi Mrs.Brooks I haven’t seen u in SOOO long! I miss having u as a teacher! Sorry I haven’t been leaving any messages I’ve just had a lot of homework and I am doing gymnastics in between school and homework! But the homework isn’t that hard! How’s your class this year? I miss getting to see u every day like I did last year! So today my brother caught a huge fish that was I little bit smaller than me! I am 56 inches and the fish was 54 inches! We will be eating it for dinner! He caught it at MMA where he goes to school! He caught it in his spare time in between watch! I miss u so much!!!

    1. Suzy Brooks Post author

      Hey there Casey! That’s one big fish!! One of my very good friends works at MMA – what a great program and I hope your brother is enjoying it. Did you eat the fish? I miss getting to see you, too! My class this year is very sweet, we are all getting to know each other. The room looks nice, because we now have tables instead of desks. It makes things so much more organized. I’m glad to hear you still love gymnastics – it’s hard to fit everything in – but when you love to do something, it’s worth it! Thank you for stopping by and saying hello – I appreciate it!!

      Mrs. Brooks

  4. milo

    I love the new behavior management system.I am so glad you have not put me on yellow or red yet.I’m so glad you are my new teacher.See ya tomorrow

    1. Suzy Brooks Post author

      Hi Milo!

      I started using the cards about 3 years ago, and I love it, too. I think it has helped keep kids on target much better than my old system (which wasn’t really a system at all, ha ha). It’s easier to track this way! You are already showing third grade behavior, I’m sure you will find yourself right on target! Thanks for the comment, and see you soon!
      Mrs. Brooks

    1. Suzy Brooks Post author

      Hi Cecilia! I’m never quite sure what the next video will be – it sometimes has to do with what we are studying, and other times it just so happens that I find something I like (like this week!) and I decide to share it. 🙂

      I’m so glad you enjoy them! Thank you for your comment.
      Mrs. Brooks

    1. Suzy Brooks Post author

      Thanks, Tadeos,

      We don’t “stop” for snack in our class every day – so we save those 5 minutes up each day for a 25-minute Fun Friday Free Time. It’s something my students love! Hope you’re having a fabulous school year.

      Dream Big,
      Mrs. Brooks

  5. Cecilia

    dear miss brooks
    i love sience.
    soical studies has got so much more fun than last year. I wish we could have it evreyday.

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