Technically Invisible

It’s Not Easy, Being Green

Our old friend, Kermit the Frog says:  “Green’s the color of spring.  And green can be cool and friendly-like.  And green can be big like an ocean, or important like a mountain, or tall like a tree”.   While he was talking about the color of his skin, I think it can relate to the more global, timely topics of reducing, reusing and recycling.
It seems everywhere we turn, there are messages reminding us to behave in ways that conserve our valuable resources. Some measures we take are easy – putting water bottles and paper in the recycle bin, and using lunch boxes instead of paper bags.

But some forward-thinking ideas are harder to adopt. In 2006, I purchased my first re-useable shopping bags.  I had seen them many times in the stores, but have never taken the plunge.  It took seeing my then-65 year-old dad carrying in his groceries (in Green bags, of course) for me to get the motivation I needed.  So, now I am the proud owner of 1 enormous IKEA bag, and too many “green” grocery bags.  The challenge has lied in where to keep the darn things, so I will actually USE them AT THE STORE!  Not much luck, yet!!! C’mon, Suzy!!

Whether your goal is to reduce water usage, or to recycle more, good luck in your journey. Changing habits of living is not easy!

Mullen is in Year 4 of our Go Green email list. By choosing to receive your M-H notices via email, we can save lots of paper copies. Haven’t signed up yet?  Send me your email and I’ll get you on the list!

Join us in our baby steps to make life greener!

Remember to send in your child’s Wax Museum character choice.  Assignments will be sent home by Thursday.
Our student intern from Upper Cape Tech has been with us since February. His last day is Friday.  Jordan has been a huge help in the classroom and everyone will miss him like crazy.  Thank you, Jordan!!
Have a fabulous April vacation, the year is certainly flying by!!!
Smile Wide,

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