Technically Invisible

Being Brave

“Strength doesn’t come from what you can do. It comes from overcoming the things you once thought you couldn’t.” (~Rogers)

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About 3 weeks ago, I was asked to give an Ignite presentation at the ASCD Leaders To Leaders conference held in Virginia this past week.  I had heard of Ignite presentations, but I spent time Googling more details on the format.  Ignite presentations are short, fast-paced talks on topics the speaker is passionate about.  The speaker chooses 20 slides, which advance automatically every 15 seconds to create a 5 minute presentation. There are Ignite talks ranging from those on Legos to Muppetology; and from rollerskating to raising kids.  The topics are as varied as the presenters and the theme makes it all fun.  So, was I up for the challenge?

Between the time I was asked and the date of the presentation – I had an awfully full calendar… teaching teachers, hosting visitors, and vacationing in Alaska.  I would have very little time to prepare before leaving for Virginia.  Could I do this?  Um. Maybe. I sat down with the nearest paper to write down my ideas – a pizza box. By the time I was done, I had enough ideas that I felt I could work with, so…..

[[  My Pizza Box picture is long gone and hard to find  ]] 

[[  You’ll just have to imagine how awesome it was. ]]


I wrote back to ASCD and told them I’d be happy to give it a shot, and told them my topic would be “Making Meaning as an Educational Leader.”  Gulp.

Now came the preparation.  Finding great copyright-free images to use in presentations can be tricky – so I decided I would use all my own.  I have nearly 20,000 photos in my iPhoto library,  and figured there would be plenty to choose from. I needed to start thinking metaphorically, so my images would match my ideas.  A path can represent a journey, a bird’s-eye view can represent a bigger perspective, a blurry image can represent how we need to focus on what is important.   Choosing the images was a lot of fun, and the hardest part was narrowing down the number of slides to 20!

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Once I combined my slides, with my pizza-box notes, I had to create a script.  I was committed to memorizing my speech, so my script had to sound like my speaking voice, not my writing voice. Each slide had to have enough text to fill 15 seconds, but leave enough room for me to mess up.  I also could not script too little for each slide, because I tend to talk too fast when I present (I get very nervous!!).

Once I had down my timing, I recorded my slideshow and speech on my computer, and then put it in my iPod.  I listened to myself say that speech over and over and over again, until I could say it from memory myself.

This is not a live link - just an image of the video I watched endlessly.

This is not a live link – just an image of the video I watched endlessly.

With only hours to go, I felt I was prepared and ready.

Until I woke up that morning.  Hellooooo, Anxiety!



Ever since I was young, my nerves have always tried to get the better of me.  My heart pounds, my hands shake, my breath leaves me.  I try to relax; deep breathing, music, exercise, distraction, eating….  I still have not found what calms me down to the point I feel under control.  So, over the years I have come to accept the anxiety as part of who I am and try to use it to my benefit.  When I am anxious, I am louder (a good thing for presentations!).  When I am anxious, I am more animated (again, a good thing!).  When I am anxious, I talk faster – my audience has to stay engaged to keep up! When I am anxious, I am bound and determined to prove to myself that good or bad, I can do this.

My friend Meg at ASCD told me that for every presenter, there are three performances – the one you planned, the one you gave, and the one you wish you gave.  She is absolutely right.  My planned speech, which I practiced dozens and dozens of times, was blown off course at times.  The speech I gave was filled with more excitement than any of my run-throughs. Finally, the speech I wish I gave would have had me talking a bit slower, so you could hear just how funny I am.  HEE!

I imagine this won’t be my last Ignite speech. I would like to try one for Open House, and perhaps for some of my teacher professional development sessions.  I’d love for my students to give it a shot, too! Perhaps I could make one to convince my teenagers to do more chores around the house. The possibilities are endless.

Anyways, here goes – enjoy it a few times, it’s only 5 minutes!




25 thoughts on “Being Brave

  1. Sarah (Mrs. Lewis)

    I loved your reflection on public speaking. I know so many others can relate to those same traits. What a powerful message to share with our third graders, especial before Wax Museum! I’m sure they’d be comforted to know their teacher feels just like they do, and she’s a pro! About to watch your presentation. Can’t wait!

    1. Suzy Brooks Post author

      Hi Sarah,
      Thank you so much for your comment and for watching! I know that my students are so scared, but it is really good to be reminded of that from time to time. It hasn’t gotten easier for me after all this time, so I’ll have to find ways to work with that nervous energy that seems inevitable.
      Your friend,

  2. Paule Craton

    Sweetie, you have no reason to ever be flustered about the things you want to say. We, the ones who are listening, are ready to listen, are calm, and are waiting. As a presenter, you need to know we are glad to hear every slow-moving morsel that comes from your mouth. We do not want you to rush, so just chill, relax, and know that you are doing good things, And we want to hear about them.

    1. Suzy Brooks Post author

      Hi Paule,
      Anyone who calls me Sweetie instantly brings down the anxiety! Thank you for your kind advice and I promise I will keep that in mind the next time I force myself into another public speaking role. I believe that educators everywhere should share what they are doing in their classrooms as well as what they are passionate about. Our collective voices can make such a difference. If I can do it, being someone who is SO NOT outspoken, I am convinced anyone can!

      Come back and visit anytime,
      And? Thank. You.

      Simply Suzy

  3. Alina Davis

    You did great Suzie. And I found it interesting that you recorded yourself and listened over and over. I did the same thing! It truly helped me feel more comfortable. I started to get a little unglued when my pacing and words were a bit out of sync. I then realized the time pressure and it would all be over in less than a minute. What a relief when it was finished! The great part about being finished is knowing that next time will be easier. I’m ready for it and you will be too.

    1. Suzy Brooks Post author

      Hi Alina!
      I so loved your presentation as well – very easy to stay tuned-in, plenty of experiences allowing me to connect, and then many more that raised my thinking to a new level. I love being able to relate while also seeing things in a whole new light. I don’t see a larger audience in my future, so next time should be easier (in theory, ha ha).

      So nice meeting you, and listening to you present at L2L. I hope you received a ton of positive feedback :). Such a fabulous conference every year – I wish everyone in education had the opportunity to attend and think “outside the row”.

      Thank you for swinging by our Home on the Web and for leaving a comment!

      Dream Big,

  4. Brianna Crowley

    I thought your presentation was GREAT! I was especially impressed to see your photo credits pointing back to your own talent and creativity. It gave me hope–this summer one of my bucket list goals was to go on 3 photo shoots in my area for the express purpose of building pictures I could use metaphorically in my own presentations and blog posts. Your pictures had that great metaphorical lens I’ve been trying to hone in myself. Thanks for being an inspiration for me to keep at my goal! Thanks also for sharing your story.

    1. Suzy Brooks Post author

      Hi Brianna!

      Congrats on being a new Emerging Leader – lots of great things in store for you, wait and see! Thank you for swinging by and leaving a comment, I really appreciate your kind words and your message about my photography made me smile.

      I am never found without my camera (which isn’t all that fancy), and I am constantly trying to improve my skills as a novice. I “see” the world in pictures, and often wish I were better at capturing it. Sometimes, I manage to get some good ones, which is what continues that impassioned drive for me.

      I would love to see your shots when you reach that goal! I find seeing others’ photos helps me in finding new perspectives and strategies in my own shots.

      I use photography in the classroom quite a bit – and most especially – to teach reading skills & strategies. I have a post on it here on the blog if you want to check it out:

      Again, thank you for taking the time to comment, and enjoy the rest of your summer!!

      Dream Big,

  5. Jonathan

    Hi Mrs. Brooks, I have not comment you at all because when I go to your site I need to be logged on and I don’t have a password, so when I tried to get a password, It required to type in the email to get a password but I did not get a password so I waited a long time so I can comment you again. Sorry about that I did not comment you because of the password. And I noticed that I get to comment you that it does not to be required to be logged on. So what causes to be logged on to comment you?


  6. Suzy Brooks Post author

    Hi Jonathan!
    You, my friend, are very perceptive!! My website has gotten pretty popular with teachers and other folks in education. I also have students like you who like to connect (WHICH I LOVE!!!). But, I also receive a LOT of spam comments – which is like junk mail. I am receiving between 20-30 spam comments every day. So, while I was away on my trips to Alaska and Virginia, I shut down commenting. That way, I didn’t come home to a gigantic pile of spam to weed through.

    My trip to Alaska was amazing – did you see the pictures? Did you see the float plane I flew in? Did you see my picture from my Air Canada flight?? Here’s a link to when we were landing on a lake in Alaska in our float plane. It was a bouncy landing, but I loved it!

    You’ll have to copy and paste the link into your browser to see it. There are also videos of whales, fishermen and bald eagles if you want to see them.

    Hope your summer is going wonderfully, and I’ll be keeping my site password free again, so you can start posting again!

    I missed you,
    Mrs. Brooks

  7. Jonathan

    Hi Mrs. Brooks, I was on the I-pod touch and I done something with it at one time on the I-pod touch and What I did is that I pressed on the power button and I slide half way and I pressed cancel and when I press the power button and The power slider got stuck and I was like, “AHHHHHHHHHHHH!” and I got it unstuck and it was over and I look it up on YouTube about how to do glitches and tricks on I-pod touch and I done some tricks and glitches. I watched this video called qwop It was funny. You should play the game it was funny. The game is call qwop and it is a running Olympic game. Google it. It was a funny game. You will laugh soo hard when you play it. For the controls you pressed QW OP. try it it was funny. I laugh soo hard at that game. Let me know when ou play the game. Did I do anything while I was typing the comment?


  8. Suzy Brooks Post author

    Hi J-Boy,

    The iPod Touch can be tricky – but not as tricky as QWOP!!!! You are SO right – I’m cracking up look a foolish person! I’ll have to keep practicing so I can race you. Did you look at my pictures? My video? While I practice QWOP, you go look ;).

    Mrs. Brooks

  9. Roberto Marzot

    Hi Mrs, Brooks,

    This is Kerrie Marzot, Roberto’s Mom. We like looking at all your photos of Alaska and the wild animals. Roberto is looking forward to being part of your class next year. Especially with all of your technology inspired learning tools. Please keep updating. Fun to see before the school starts. Thanks, Kerrie

    1. Suzy Brooks Post author

      Hi Kerrie and Roberto!
      I’m so glad you’ve been stopping by the blog to see what’s going on :). It’s fun adding updates during the summer, but it’s even better when I receive comments, too! I’m glad you’re enjoying my posts and photos, but I can’t wait to get back to posting about life in Room 203 :). I hope you are having a fabulous summer, and I look forward to seeing everyone in September! Stay in touch, and thank you so much for commenting!

      Dream Big,
      Suzy/Mrs. Brooks

  10. Jonathan

    Hi Mrs. Brooks, How come the I-pod Touch can be tricky? How are you doing? Did you play the game called QWOP? MY BIRTHDAY IS IN 2 WEEKS. I will be 14 years old. I did see the video of the float plane. Why was the plane had a bumpy landing? Was it a pilot or was it a plane or the wind? I had bumpy landing on Southwest when we were landing in BWI.

    Jonathan 🙂

    1. Suzy Brooks Post author

      Hi Jonathan!
      The iPod Touch can be tricky if you’re pushing all of the buttons and sliding things all at once – it “might” freeze up. Sometimes we have to move a little slower so our technology can keep up with us.

      I did play QWOP! I had to ask Carson to help me because all I could do is fall down. I am guessing it will take lots of practice.

      The pilot warned us that the landing would be bumpy because there was a lot of “chop” on the water – meaning the water was rough. From far up in the sky, the lake looked smooth, but we could feel those waves when we landed, that’s for sure!

      Have a great day!
      Mrs. Brooks 😉

      1. Jonathan

        Hi Mrs. Brooks, When did you go on the float plane and on the Air Canada flight? Did Carson went on a float plane as well? Did you put your heads down during bumpy landing? I have. I done it on Southwest. But Air Tran had a good landing. how many times have you go on the float plane? I been on a plane that has a propellor plane which is United Express. Have you been on United Express? I been on Delta connection and Delta Air lines. They use to put the spelling of Delta Airlines and not it was Delta Air lines because NWA merge with delta. Now They are merging US Airways with American and Southwest will merge with Air Tran. If you are flying on US Airways you will fly on American. If you are flying on Air Tran you will fly on Southwest. Once I practice the game of QWOP, I will tell you how to run without falling. Well I’m off to the game called QWOP.

        Jonathan 🙂

  11. Suzy Brooks Post author

    Hi Jonathan! We flew from BOS to YVR on Air Canada, and then flew home on United Airlines from ANC to BOS Our floatplane took off from Lake Hood in Anchorage. I did not put my head Dow during the bumpy landing, I just laughed because it was fun for me. I love to fly. Those are a lot of mergers. Here’s a challenge for you… I used to work at Logan Airport at the ticket counters and at the gate. One airline you might have to learn more about from that time is Eastern Airlines. Let me know what you find out!

    Xxoo, Mrs. Brooks

    1. Jonathan

      Hi Mrs. Brooks, I google Eastern airlines but there is the website for china Eastern airlines. But NWA merge with delta and US Airways are merging with American. I think I flew American like 6 or 7 times. 2 more weeks until my birthday! I will be 14 years old.


      1. Suzy Brooks Post author

        Hmmm…. Johnathan – you will have to back in history just a little bit to be able to find out more about Eastern Airlines. It’s different than China’s Eastern Airlines. I know birthdays can be exciting – I can’t believe you’re going to be 14!! Exciting times, my friend!!
        Mrs. Brooks

        1. Jonathan

          Hi Mrs. Brooks, Eastern Airlines? Hmmm. I have to look at that. I don”t know if Eastern Airlines is still around. probably Eastern airlines is not around. Have you practice the game called QWOP? Did carson played the game? Southern airways is not around. American is still there and Southwest is still around. I flown on

          1. Southwest
          2. Delta connection/Delta Air lines (Long jet)
          3. American (S-80 Airplane
          4. United/United Express (merge with Continental but regular colors)
          5. Air Tran (Air Tran will merge with US Airways

          I watched the hockey game on TV about The bruins lost the game with Chicago and Chicago won the Stanley cup Playoff.

          Jonathan 🙂

  12. Jonathan

    Hi Mrs. Brooks, I played the game called QWOP and I got 35 meters. For NFL, Baltimore won the super bowl. Next year when you go to the site it will say
    AA stands for American Airlines so lets hope the giants and the patriots do well this year. There is the new website for American Airlines, check it out new plane for American. Airtran is merging with Southwest. And it will be all southwest planes and not Airtran. Eastern airlines is not around. China Eastern airlines is around. So how are you doing? Have you fly google earth flight simulator? If you have not, here are the instructions.
    1. Go to Google earth (if you do not have google earth, you can install google earth.
    2. once you have install or already have google earth, open google earth.
    3. after you open google earth, press Alt control A or option command A
    4. after you done step 3, it should say choose and aircraft. select F16.
    5. select an airport. select John Frank Kennedy runway 13R.

    How to fly F16 plane

    1. press F 5 times for flaps 100%.
    2. press 9 to takeoff, after takeoff, press G to put up the landing gear.
    3. press up if you want to go down.
    4. press down if you want to go up.
    5. fly around by using a mouse.

    Jonathan 🙂

    1. Suzy Brooks Post author

      Hi Jonathan!

      I’m still trying to figure out QWOP and I’m failing miserably. They should really call it FLOP. It does make me giggle, and I will keep trying.

      My guess is that I won’t have much luck keeping an F16 in the air, but I will certainly try the flight simulator on Google Earth and let you know how I make out. Thank you for the very clear directions, I appreciate it!

      Eastern Airlines was the first airline I ever flew on. I was 16 and we were flying from BOS to MCO. It was the official airline for Disney World at the time. So many airlines have come and gone since I was young – like the changes with AA and SW you are talking about. Ever since that first flight, I have LOVED flying in planes of all shapes and sizes.

      Off to do my homework – have a good night, my friend!!
      Mrs. Brooks

      1. Jonathan

        Hi Mrs. Brooks, FLOP really? haha. here some hints about QWOP.
        1. press WO and hold those two buttons.
        2. press QP and hold two buttons and keep repeating from step 1 and 2

        Jonathan 🙂

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