Technically Invisible

When You Wish Upon A Wall……

Click on the photo to visit our Wall.

Click on the photo to visit our Wall.

Before vacation, students created a wall online where they placed some of their wishes….

The website,, is a place where students log on and leave a quick “sticky note” stating something they are wishing for.

This site is new to me, and I’ve been playing with it ever since – I’ve created birthday wish walls for Kendyl & Carson, and plan to use a wall in an upcoming workshop I am teaching. I imagine it can even be used as a way for students to answer review questions, as they cannot see each other’s responses until I have approved them all. Oh the possibilities!

(In fact, I did a search for ideas on how to use Wallwisher in the classroom, and came across this great link:

15 Interesting Ways to use Wallwisher in the Classroom

So…. What are students wishing for? The range is wide – and makes me smile each time I visit. The wall will remain open for the remainder of the school year, so students are encouraged to stop by and add to it as they like.

The Wallwish link is on our blog. You’ll also find a new Contact Me link, where you can submit questions, comments or even articles for our classroom website. Enjoy!!!!

>Book Talks start this Friday. Students are always nervous, but I always go easy on them this first time around… You’ll be amazed at what they can do. Keep your eyes peeled for Book Talks on our blog.

Thank you for all the yummy goodies that came into the classroom for Valentine’s Day. We had a great day, exchanging valentines, creating heart maps, and taking assessments J. The Olympic reports I read over vacation were wonderful and informative! Thank you!

March 2nd is Read Across America Day, and we’ll be celebrating all-things-Seuss. Come to school and read with your favorite 3rd grader from 2:45 to 3;15

Smile Wide,

Mrs. Brooks


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