Technically Invisible

A Plethora of Announcements

My to-do list is seemingly endless lately, which is always the case this time of year… A few announcements and reminders seem to be a nice way to fill this newsletter, don’t you agree?

If you haven’t already done so, please try to find a minute to fill out our year-end survey. If you need the link, let me know.

Wednesday is Field Day.  Our games are from 10:15 to 11:15, and our lunch is at 12:00. If you are staying for lunch, the cost is 2.50. If your child is buying lunch that day, remember to have them bring their money to school. Finally, have your child bring (or wear) their new bandana as part of the 3rd grade team! Oh, also, bring a water bottle!

Student blogs will remain open all summer – be sure to stop by, write a post, leave a comment, etc… It’s great practice for summer writing, and it will make me feel so much better because I will MISS THESE KIDS!!  Do it for me… 🙂

Our Family Farewell Celebration is at 2:30 on Friday.  Hopefully I’ll be ready (ha ha).  Anyone is welcome.

If your student brought in a balance cushion, they should bring it home for the summer. Yes, they can use it in 4th grade!

It is SO NOT LIKE ME to leave blank space on a newsletter!  So here, I am, filling it up with what I tell the kids is just Fluff.  Say NO to Fluffy Writing!! It’s a waste of space and it isn’t fun to read.  Like this: “And that is what I wrote for my newsletter”. Hahahaahahhaa

What’s to Come:

🙂 Thank you to my wonderful field trip drivers – we had a great time at the Canal and the weather was PERFECT!  Pictures are on the blog (below).

🙂 I am able to send home some of the assessments that your children took last week. They worked SO hard and I believe each of them tried their best.  I was very proud of their efforts.  Their writing pieces impressed me the most – these were done with no help from me at all.  Bravo to my cute little authors!

🙂 No homework this week. I’m mean, but not THAT mean!!

Dream Big,

Mrs. Brooks

I can’t help it – I have to repeat a video.  Watching and hearing my students during this video makes me happy, and so this one is purely for me:

Cape Cod Canal Field Trip:

Listening to the Ranger about all the vessels that go through the Cape Cod Canal

Learning about the tides from Ranger Amy

Who said you can't go fishing indoors??

Intermission: You never know what you'll see sailing through the Canal!

Right before we went running on the jetty. Kidding! Mrs. Brooks wouldn't let us near the jetty 🙁

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