Technically Invisible

A Reading Journey

The first few weeks of school are spent putting procedures into place that make the year run smoothly.  It takes a lot of listening on the part of the children, and a lot of talking on my part. The time we spend talking about how we want our class to be makes  a difference in the long run, but it can be exhausting to make our way through the procedures and expectations.

hopes dreams

One of the most important conversations we keep having is about reading.  Students in Room 204 will have lots and lots of time for Read to Self this year.  We have talked about how we choose books, what it is that makes a book worth living in, and what silent reading time looks like in our classroom.  We have talked lots and lots about making great choices for ourselves to propel us on our “Reading Journey”.  In order to become better readers, we must choose books we can sit and read independently, and we also realize the books read in our small groups will be a little more difficult in order to stretch our skills.  Students are encouraged to try new genres, series and authors to expand their experience and knowledge base. We are also trying to build our reading stamina as we stay engrossed in our stories for longer and longer periods of time.

“Reading is Thinking” and so our students will learn to be more and more aware of their thinking as they read.  Metacognitive thinking helps us connect to what we are reading in meaningful ways, and strengthens our abilities as readers. Be sure to talk to your children about what they are thinking as they read. You’ll be amazed at what they share with you!!  ….Journey On!

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🙂 More parent homework this week! Yaay!  I’d love for you to help your child with the Interest Inventory and then fill out the Parent Survey on your own. Your insights help me throughout the year when trying to find the best way to help your child!
🙂 Thank you for all of the classroom supply donations ~ we are off to a well-provisioned start.
🙂 Be sure to make plans to attend Meet the Teacher Night. It is one of the most important evenings of the whole school year!
September 9 HW

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