Technically Invisible

A Sweet End to Summer

Lots of you know that I love Pinterest – and goodness knows I’ve pinned enough recipes to sink a car carrier.  But when I’m in the grocery store with no means to Google anything, I’m left to my own resourcefulness.  That happened today when I arrived at the store, determined to buy ingredients to make a Twix Trifle I “saw” on Pinterest.  With no recipe, and no shopping list, I set to work.  Just so you stay tuned for the whole post – here is the final outcome:

I know, right??!!!! I’m ready to skip dinner, and head straight for dessert!

So, here’s the super-easy, off-the-cuff recipe:

Twix Trifle

1 package Sandies shortbread cookies – broken into bite-sized pieces.. Mix those in a big bowl with:

2 boxes of Twix bars – these are the smaller sized ones in the cookie aisle.  Break those up into bite-sized pieces, too.  Mix them in with the Sandies, but save some for the top.


2 boxes of instant pudding – I mix two boxes together (white chocolate and butterscotch)

1 small jar hot fudge

1 small jar of caramel sauce

whipped cream (yes, I make mine from “scratch”)

Now start layering:


drizzle hot syrups


whipped cream


Finish with whipped cream, and top with the reserved Twix bars.


Hire someone strong to carry the container, because it will weigh a ton.  Also, find a BUNCH of friends to share it with you, otherwise you’ll weigh a ton, too!!  7 of us managed to eat only 1/3 of the whole dessert tonight.  You know what that means…..



What a fun back to school lunch that will be! Hmmmmm..


I’ll have to save room for dessert on Tuesday 😉

Let me know if you try making it at home!

3 thoughts on “A Sweet End to Summer

  1. Jacey

    Hi Mrs. Brooks!
    That Twix truffle looks sssoooo good! In class when you told us you made that it shocked me. I can’t believe it served 20 people. If I could have that for dessert I would be in heaven. My favorite part would be the twix on top. I wish I had the ingredients to make it tonight – without the whipped cream 🙂

    1. Suzy Brooks Post author

      Hi Jacey!
      I have to tell you – it was so delicious, we had to make it twice! I bet it would be good with coconut in it, as well. No whipped cream for you? That’s okay – all the more for me! Hee-hee :). Thanks for your comment, and keep me posted if you make anything yummy in the kitchen!
      Mrs. Brooks

  2. Jacey

    The other day me and my mom made crapes.They were sooooooo good.I put butter and jelly on mine.My sister aet hers like a pancake.

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