Technically Invisible

A Whirlwind Tour

I thought I would share a bit about my experience with the folks at NBC News’ Education Nation Town Hall this past week at MIT in Cambridge (video link is now below, and it will be broadcast this Sunday at noontime on Channel 7). It was an incredible experience, and I had to overcome many anxieties in order to participate.  In fact, I posted a quote that I feel fit the situation perfectly:

“Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear.” ~Ambrose Redmoon

I was able to meet with folks from Dell, as well as some education leaders from around the country when I went up for dinner Wednesday evening.

A Catalyst restaurant: Day of Innovation in Education with MIT by Dell's Official Flickr Page, on Flickr

Yum! A Day of Innovation in Education with MIT by Dell's Official Flickr Page, on Flickr

The conversations surrounding technology, education and students were insightful and inspiring.

A Chatting with Joe Griffin, CTO of Keller Indpendent School District, TX. Day of Innovation in Education with MIT by Dell's Official Flickr Page, on Flickr

Thursday, I headed back up with my family in tow.

Inside the MIT Media Lab

While I spent time in the Green Room at the MIT Media Lab with the other panelists,

MIT Media Lab

Hey! The Green Room isn't green! ha ha. I knew that!

Marlena did my makeup while the afternoon ticked by....

my family made their way around Kendall Square and the MIT campus.

A Day of Innovation in Education with MIT by Dell's Official Flickr Page, on Flickr

The broadcast was a huge production, and seeing everything from behind the scenes was exciting for all of us.

My view from the audience.

I was able to meet and chat with folks about topics in ed tech, and felt listened to by those in positions far-removed from the classroom.

Click image to watch video. A Day of Innovation in Education with MIT by Dell's Official Flickr Page, on Flickr

HERE is the NBC News’ Education Nation Town Hall video segment I am in – there are two other segments that are well worth watching as well!  See them all HERE!

A lucky opportunity to have a photo with Chelsea Clinton

Dinner on the way home to celebrate - Yum YUM!

What a surprise, the next morning, when I came into school:

Thank you Miss Lareau, Ms. Sawyer, Mrs. Lewis & Mrs. Langmead! Love you!

🙂 Thank you for those who have sent in their parent surveys. Reading your responses makes me all teary-eyed, and helps me to know your children even better.
🙂 Meet The Teacher Night is on Wednesday at 6pm. I’m very much looking forward to seeing all of you!
🙂 You are going to see homework that seems more “real” this week. Be sure that it all comes back into school on Friday. Thank you!

You’ll recognize the song from last week – but I can’t help but think about how much effort Kalie puts into her performance.  Wow.

Stand Tall,

2 thoughts on “A Whirlwind Tour

  1. Milo

    Hi Mrs.Brooks!
    I think it was cool how you were on NBC news.My mom watched your video on the blog.You must of had a lot of courage.I think it is a good idea to have technology.See ya tomorrow at school!

    Your student,

    1. Suzy Brooks Post author

      Hi Milo,
      I needed a crazy amount of courage – I’m a very nervous person normally, so it took a lot of calming down to enjoy the day. I would do it all over again tomorrow if I had the chance, though! Just because it scared me, doesn’t mean I didn’t enjoy it. Thanks for watching the broadcast at home – that made me smile! See you in the morning!
      Mrs. Brooks

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