Technically Invisible

Alone, We Can Do So Little….

Together, we can do so much  ~Helen Keller~

I sit here writing this newsletter while completely exhausted.  My weekend was filled with time spent raising awareness for a family friend who was recently diagnosed with a terminal illness called Lafora Disease.

When you find out a 20 year old girl has an incurable, fatal disease, you are immediately left feeling helpless.   So, this weekend was all about working together to make a difference.  Many people who also felt helpless combined efforts to produce a successful event for a wonderfully deserving family.

It is a powerful feeling to be part of something bigger than yourself. My mind is racing with memories of the past few days, and my eyes are getting heavier by the minute.

Hopefully you’ll forgive me if I cut this newsletter short.  If you want to learn more about Lafora, Becky, and our event, please visit:

4 thoughts on “Alone, We Can Do So Little….

  1. Suzy Brooks Post author


    Thank you so much, there were lots of nice people there, and we worked really hard!

    Mrs. Brooks

  2. grace McKnight

    I fell so bad for becky.By the way I saw you selling some braclets
    that I think are to help to rais money to try to make becky all better.If the are …… I was wonder if I could buy one?
    From Grace

  3. Suzy Brooks Post author

    Hi Gracie – thank you for reading about my friend Becky – I always have bracelets – but you need to have permission from Mum & Dad to buy one – so make sure you send in a note, okay? You are very sweet.

    There are so many wonderful people out there (like you!!) who send good thoughts her way, and Becky appreciates it.

    Mrs. Brooks

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