Technically Invisible

Arts are ALWAYS Alive!

Mrs. Evans and Ms. Rodgers-Hebner came in to help us with a new Arts Alive artist — Michael Albert. His website is a great place to start:  CHECK IT OUT!!

First of all, thank you to all of you who sent in cereal boxes – we had a great range of choices.

Pop Art in Arts Alive!!

Today in Arts Alive, we looked at the work of modern pop artist Michael Albert. Pop Art developed in Britain the 1950’s and has been especially popular in the US since the 60’s. Pop artists wanted to make art part of everyday life, something that everyone could enjoy. Many of the artists were inspired by things found in “popular culture” such as advertising, comic strips and product packaging, so their work was very “down-to-earth”. People recognized objects in the artists work. Pop Art is often very bright, colorful and bold.

Michael Albert was studying business at New York University in NYC in the 1980’s. He was inspired by art museums there and began drawing with pencils, markers, crayons, pen and ink, etc. He then moved on to collages—he would cut up photographs of family and friends, postcards, stickers, old labels, etc. and arrange them in a collage.

His signature work has been the art of “cerealism”—that is cutting up cereal boxes and arranging the pieces in a collage. He is amazed that no matter how he cuts up and rearranges the cover of a cereal box it is always recognizable. He has created over 500 cereal box collages to date!

Students today tried their hand at creating a cereal box collage—they created some wonderful and interesting examples of this type of Pop Art!

Kerri Evans and Elizabeth Rodgers-Hebner

Here some shots of the hard work we did!!

11 thoughts on “Arts are ALWAYS Alive!

  1. Ruby!!!

    Hi! arts alive was very fun! I like the way you put the pictures of the cereal on the blog because there isn’t the name of it there so we have to guess what it is.

  2. Suzy Brooks Post author

    Hi Michael!

    We were so excited to see your post on our blog today — it made us all very proud. We will certainly put together an email to send to you, we would love to have some posters! That’s so kind of you!!

    Take care,
    Suzy and her class…. 🙂

  3. Ruby

    I just got my own e-mail address!
    So, My Brother,rafe,just left a comment ,i think. I watched the family pod vidio again. I was going to watch it this morning before school but it took to long to load and i had to catch the bus.
    From, Ruby

  4. Suzy Brooks Post author

    Hi Rafe and Ruby — what great names for a brother and a sister, by the way. They sound great together. You’ll appreciate it when you’re older, I promise.

    Nice to see you both stop by, and I agree that it was wonderfully cool that Michael Albert stopped by our little blog. That’s two “famous” (to use a vocabulary word) or, Ruby, should I say “popular” (another vocabulary word) person to stop by and leave a comment. We’ve very lucky!

    Missed you tonight – but I look forward to seeing you tomorrow.

    Mrs. Brooks

  5. monica bleiler

    You guys did such an AMAZING job with your performance last night! We had a great time watching all of you sing and you all looked so happy. I’m sure you made your teachers really proud and don’t you think Mrs. Whithead looked proud too? Thanks for a fun Wednesday night!

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