August 1st already? July flew by, and so I thought it was time I shared a little of what I’ve been doing…. You will be able to click on almost every picture to learn more about where I’ve been 🙂…
Connecting to the Common Core
I’m loving the interactive tool from MasteryConnect ~ though it won’t work here on my blog 🙁 It’s helping me plan for the 2012-2013 school year, and beyond!! So user friendly, and free! Once I have a mobile device, they…
So, today, is the last day of school. It’s a day filled with mixed emotions, for students and teachers alike. I know this year, I could keep on teaching this group for weeks to come – they are wonderful. I…
Celebrating What’s Right
This film I watched at the beginning of the school year, and this morning I decided to share it with my students. I hope you enjoy it at home, as well. When we believe it, we’ll see it….
Farewell Celebration
I know I promised to make available the DVD that I showed today during our Farewell Celebration – but in the meantime, you can watch the videos online: The long one: The shorter, tear-inducing one: Thank you to everyone who…
Suggesting Strategies
Yesterday was Field Day, and we had a great day from start to finish…. at the end of the day, we were relaxing in the classroom, when my students yelled for me to come over… this is what they had…
A Plethora of Announcements
My to-do list is seemingly endless lately, which is always the case this time of year… A few announcements and reminders seem to be a nice way to fill this newsletter, don’t you agree? If you haven’t already done so,…
To Do, or Not To Do…
That is the question. I mean, it is the most perfectly perfect day outdoors today, and I’m sitting on a couch, glued to this To-Do List: I should concentrate on that which I have accomplished in the past several days,…
Many Thanks
As I sat down to plan how I should thank the many volunteers who helped me this year, I was overwhelmed. I had parents who chaperoned on field trips, parents who drove active third graders in their cars, parents who…