HERE is a link to part II of this project HERE is a link to Part III of this project . . . . . . . Meet Eveliina Anderson, who is going to read to us today. ______________________________________________________________________________ COMPARE/CONTRAST:…
Book Talks, Round One
We are just finishing our first round of book talks in Room 204. I have to say that your children are already looking like they’ve done this before!! Though they (understandably) are nervous, they really pull it all together to…
Gotta Keep Reading!
Hi friends!! I MISS YOU!!!! I came across this flash mob video. After enjoying our own Morse Pond lip dub, I thought you might like seeing this, too: Hope you are enjoying every minute of your winter break!!
We Are The Children, We Speak For The Pond
The view outside our classroom windows is priceless – with each passing season, we are able to witness nature’s changes in a way some people aren’t. You can only imagine the flurry of emotions when students in Room 204 noticed…
We’re Under Contract
So, you’ve been seeing these new Literacy Contracts coming home from school – and you’re probably wondering what they are all about. I decided to try them out for a couple months, so I could work out the kinks before…
Cerealism with Michael Albert
Multiplication Mavens
I’m really old, but yet I can still remember learning my multiplication tables when I was in 3rd grade. Mrs. Lynch would have us listen to each times table as a song on her record player, and I could sing…
Good Curling
Today was the Grand Finale of curling for the 3rd and 4th graders in Falmouth. They all converged on the gym, where rounds of play commenced about 10:00. Good sportsmanship was evident in every game, and every audience member. We…
Lifelong Learning
After I finish typing up this week’s newsletter and finish correcting your homework assignments, I will get to work updating our Home on the Web. Every week, I post this newsletter, the announcements below, important dates, weekly homework and anything…
Halfway Day!!
We have been making our way through No Guff Week in Room 204. Students LOVED the Morse Pond video and keep requesting to see it. This week, we also welcomed Rachel – our new high school volunteer, who will be…