This is the one time per year when I do not write a newsletter. Instead? I slept late, played on the computer, went to Carson’s soccer game, where he scored two goals!!! I ended the day with my sister and…
A Year Abroad….
One of the best things about the Grade 3 curriculum are the opportunities for students to get out and enjoy all that our region has to offer in the way of experiential learning. As you know, we have already visited…
Happy Hoppy!
I thought I’d share a quick video I put together of my kids… I am amazed at how much better the quality of digital shots are now, compared to when my kids were little!! It’s still nice having them… Enjoy…
Vacation, Still?
Patriots’ Day
Each year, the third Monday in April commemorates the anniversary of the Battles of Lexington and Concord. In school, we are just getting ready to study the steps leading to the Revolutionary War, so the timing is perfect!! Each year,…
A Full Week!
This past week we filled with lots of fun and learning! On Tuesday, four students from Lawrence School came in as part of the CAST program – Cross-Age Student Teaching. They came along to teach us about circuits and electricity. …
Carson’s Ode
Third Graders aren’t the only ones required to write poetry. My 6th grader Carson needed to write an ode. He waited and waited and waited until the due date was on top of him, and his mother was ready to…
Eagle Video
Today in class we watched a PBS documentary online video about the Decorah Eagle pair. The kids LOVED it and a few asked me to post it on the blog. I had them take notes about anything interesting they heard,…
Wax Museum Schoodle
So, today I whipped out my whiteboard pen again and set to work…. My goal was to explain as many of the details surrounding our upcoming Wax Museum as I could in a doodle. And just now? I’ve decided, in…
Dutifully Fulfilled
“Civic education and civic responsibility should be taught in elementary school.” Donna Brazile “The average juror wraps himself in civic virtue. He’s a judge now. He tries to act the part and do the right thing.” Jacob D. Fuchsberg I…