Today we started talking about persuasive writing — the art of convincing someone to agree with a particular belief or opinion you hold. So, I ask you, Room 309…. As a teacher, during the coming weeks, should I keep showing…
Did I Mention the Eagles?
Here’s a pic I just snapped of E1 and E2 out from under their dad. I’m getting to know who-is-who and I’m learning a lot! The littlest Eaglet is under dad’s tailfeathers. The other two squiggled out from under Dad,…
Whilst Waiting
This is a week that I am truly thankful I was granted patience as a personality trait. I’ve spent a LOT of time sitting, a LOT of time listening, a LOT of time watching, a LOT of time waiting and…
My Civic Responsibility
Tomorrow, for the first time in my teaching career, I am going to absent because of Jury Duty. The teacher in me can’t help but consider the ways in which I can turn this into a teachable moment… Your kids…
We’re Getting SMARTer!
Recently, we were notified that we would be receiving a SMARTBoard in our classroom. If the schedule runs true, we’ll have one mounted on our wall as you sit here reading this! For those unfamiliar with this piece of technology,…
Anole Watchers
Science was a whole lot of fun today. King Anole was nice enough to hang out in an observation container for a bit… Each student had 16 questions to answer all about what they noticed when they look at an…
Afterward, we worked as a team to come up with names for our six new anoles… We put the document camera on the cage so we could observe them on the big screen. We then added a window to include…
A Day Crazy
We had to be flexible today – our schedule was a bit nutty, but that doesn’t mean we don’t squeeze in a lot of learning… Arts Alive after lunch was wonderful – Miss Heather talked to us about Michaelangelo. Students…
What do YOU think??
I miss you today! After your typing today, I’d like you to take a few minutes to answer some questions for me!! Mrs. Brooks is taking a course and had to learn how to put together a survey. So, you…
A Little Down Time
You will notice that our homework this week is a little different. Hopefully the weather will cooperate, and students in Room 309 will get a chance to enjoy the change of pace. Homework is an important part of school, but…