I’m trying not to count the days on my calendar, but I know I’m approaching the half-way mark of summer vacation…. I thought I’d invite everyone to check-in, say hello, and fill us in on your summer so far! Whether…
Excited to Share….
Hopefully you’ve had time to enjoy your DVD’s I burned for you – but for those who want to share our end-of-year retrospective, I was able to upload that huge file!! Enjoy: Dreaming Big 2010
Really? You are leaving me???
I can’t believe that Day 180 came and went. We had an amazing year, and I learned a whole bunch!!! I had the best 21 teachers in the whole building… what a lucky girl I am. I sent home 2…
Family Farewell Celebration!!!
Just a reminder that tomorrow is our farewell celebration. Families are invited to the classroom at 2:00 to share in our year-end wrap-up! Hope to see you there!!!
We’re Full Of Potential… Energy!
Today we started creating our tee-shirts as a third-grade team. While the idea of dyeing shirts with 100 kids is a daunting preposition, in reality, it was really fun! Check out the pics!!
So Impressed
On Friday, we sat on the rug talking about all of the stories we read this year in our reading program. I quickly realized that students were firing out titles from all the way back in September. So I started…
Thank You, Jessica!!
This week we said a sad goodbye to our intern, Jessica. Students loved having her in the classroom these past several months, as she was a great helper and her kind, gentle ways made everyone smile. Having an extra pair…
Still Moving Smart
Here’s a video from yesterday of all of us doing SmartMoves…. We’ve been doing this every morning and we all enjoy it! http://www.vimeo.com/11885399
Smart Moves
I’ve been trying a lot of new ideas this year — and many of them are in the realm of helping students focus. I received this DVD at Peter Reynold’s workshop earlier this year. Smart Moves is a program designed…
More Book Talks
We’re into our third round of book talks — I’ve posted more if you haven’t checked them out, yet!! Click on the green image below: