Today, we were treated to a visit by Jonathan’s dad, Steve. He took the time to come in and share his expertise as a journalist. Students learned to write about that which they love, in order to create a piece…
Arts ARE Alive!!
Today in Arts Alive, students learned about Michaelangelo. Michaelangelo was born in 1475. As an artist, he was multi-talented—he sculpted, painted, designed buildings and even wrote poetry. His favorite type of art was creating sculptures. He spent a great deal…
Cape Cod Canal Field Office
It was a chilly day, but we had the sunshine on our side. Students toured the Manomet tugboat, viewed a movie and participated in a marine traffic activity, observed the marine traffic control center and played a wonderful game to…
Run A Mile Day
I’m a little behind in my postings, so get ready for a few in a row…. Last Thursday, our class, and Mrs. Hamilton’s class participated in National Run A Mile day. It was a great bonding experience, and a big…
Thanks, Michael Albert!
We were all tickled pink to find a comment on our blog from artist Michael Albert. The students were eager to write back, so I decided a WallWisher Wall would do the trick – that way each student gets to…
Third Grade: A Year Abroad….
One of the best things about the Grade 3 curriculum are the opportunities for students to get out and enjoy all that our region has to offer in the way of experiential learning. As you know, we have already visited…
It Was a Fun Friday!
We headed to the Computer Lab this morning so that we could write to Michael Albert, who left a comment on our blog. Mrs. Brooks had a whole lesson planned. But, little did I know that the network wouldn’t cooperate.…
Family Reflections
This has been our first year as a Family Pod – something never done before here at Mullen, and we had several teachers who have been itching to try for the entire time I’ve worked here. There are 5 classrooms…
Still Vacationing…
Hi Friends! I hope you are all enjoying this beautiful weather during your vacation. We decided to surprise Kendyl and Carson with an overnight trip to 6 Flags, and to the Basketball Hall of Fame. We had a nice time,…
The Amazing Race
Mrs. Brooks & her family took a trip to Ashland, where Mr. Brooks grew up. While there, we watched the Boston Marathon, and put together a video. Wanna see?? Here it is!!