Good morning 309 friends! Mrs. Brooks isn’t in today – so here is your mission while you are in the computer lab…. 1. Of course, you’ve got your Type To Learn 3 to do — remember – eyes on the…
Call Me Crazy
I made the on-the-spot decision to participate in the 3rd annual Slice of Life writing challenge. So, starting on Monday, I’ve made the commitment to create a piece of writing once a day for the whole month of March. I’ve…
Grammie’s Geometry
I brought in one of the many quilts hand-made by my grandmother. Grammie allowed me to design this quilt when I was about the same age as my third graders. Each student was given a map to show them the…
I’ll Be Your Shelter, a guest post by Ruby
We’ve made enough money for 3 shelter boxes!! By the end of the book sale there weren’t any books left!! It looked like it did before the book sale. I was amazed when I came out to buy some books…
When You Wish Upon A Wall……
Before vacation, students created a wall online where they placed some of their wishes…. The website,, is a place where students log on and leave a quick “sticky note” stating something they are wishing for. This site is new…
Heart Maps
Well, we’re new at this – but the kids did a great job of creating Heart Maps for Valentine’s Day. Their rough copy will go into writing journals, and their final copies will come home soon! I can’t believe how…
Poll Everywhere
I keep finding the coolest stuff out there on the Interweb!! I don’t know if this will work on our site – but give it a try and vote!! Hmmmmm… Well, I’m not sure if the options are showing up…
What a Difference a Week Makes!!
Here we are, one week past our Big Book Sort, and our Haiti Book Sale is over. The “snow”day (and a half!!) didn’t seem to affect our fundraising efforts!! You can visit the Falmouth Rotary Club site, where they are…
Heart Mapping
Tomorrow, we will be creating Heart Maps in writing as part of our Valentine’s Day celebration. Today, I asked students to tell me the things they know I care about… Every student had something to share, and it’s clear they…
Book Sale Update
What a great day we had today! Our friends from the Rotary Club came to talk to all of us in the Family Pod first thing this morning. We sang our Family Pod Song, and then listened as we heard…