Technically Invisible

Book Talks on the Horizon

Soon we will begin Book Talks. We will be having presentations on a rotating basis. Each student is assigned a “season” (Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter) Each week, a different season will be assigned to present on  Fridays. We will begin Feb 3rd with all students who present on “SPRING” week. Book talks will continue from February until May, or until each student has completed THREE book talks.

I remind students they are not doing a “retelling” of their book.  They are, in essence, creating a powerful advertisement in order to promote their book. I also remind them to bring in the supporting materials they have to show that they did some advanced preparation for their talk.  I really don’t want to see them “winging it”. Instead, they should spend time in each week, preparing in some way.

When presenting, students will be using a microphone. We are still looking for strong, clear voices, but the microphone will help everyone hear better.

Some students will be excited about the their book talks, and others will be very nervous. It will be good practice for all of them to speak in front of a group of their peers. Their confidence will grow with each new presentation they make from now until June. Every student has wonderful thoughts and ideas to share, and I look forward to hearing them!
What’s to Come:

🙂 One night per week of homework will now be Book Talk Prep.  Students can spend extra time reading, preparing notes, creating a visual prop or researching information for their talk.  That extra amount of time should ensure some stellar talks!

🙂 Our snack basket is completely empty.  Please be sure to send your child in with a snack each day – they get super hungry!

🙂 Recess has gotten considerably colder, so be sure your child has hats and mittens just in case they are needed.

Laugh Out Loud,

Mrs. Brooks

Because I was out most of last week, we are sticking with the same video this week – on the Solar System….

5 thoughts on “Book Talks on the Horizon

  1. ruby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I loooved book talks!!! they are so much fun and it is a good way to hear about good books! 🙂

    love, ruby!

    1. Suzy Brooks Post author

      Ruby – you were a super duper book talker! The kids are all nervous – so I’m glad you are saying how fun they are!!

      Thanks for sharing!!
      Love, Mrs. Brooks

  2. Jack R.

    Hello Mrs. Brooks. My grandmother watched the solar system song THREE times when I was at her house! She LOVED it. I don’t like it as much as she does but it made her happy. See you tomorrow. Jack

    1. Suzy Brooks Post author

      Jack – you totally just cracked me up. Your grandmother and I could sing a fabulous duet to this song – you know I sing to it every day. Can’t wait to hear you sing along tomorrow, my friend!!
      Mrs. Brooks

  3. Suzy Brooks Post author

    Hi Mrs. Brooks,

    Happy Birthday! I was looking at my calender, and saw your birthday! I hope that you’re students this year are as good as your students from 2009!!!

    Miss You,
    Angelina and Victoria!

    Girls – you just TOTALLY made my day! How nice to get a surprise birthday message! Hope you are both having a fabulous night and 5th grade year and I MISS YOU!!! xxoo.

    Love and thanks,
    Mrs. Brooks

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