Technically Invisible

Book Talks, Round One

We are just finishing our first round of book talks in Room 204.  I have to say that your children are already looking like they’ve done this before!!  Though they (understandably) are nervous, they really pull it all together to present a super book talk.  I’m so impressed!

Imagine for a minute all of the skills these children are strengthening in one round of book talks: volume, speed, diction and fluency of voice, eye contact, posture, confidence, audience management, reading and listening comprehension, focus, critical thinking, time management, responsibility, etc. Wow!  I imagine you can add to the list when you consider what is done OUTSIDE of school…

Our book talk recordings are posted through a link on our classroom blog, where families are able to view the awesome efforts of these young speakers.  This second round, I am hoping to create custom backgrounds through the use of green screen technology.  We tried it once, and it didn’t work, so I’m back to the drawing board.  Don’t give up on me, yet!

One night of homework per week is now dedicated to book talk preparation. Your child should be using this time each week to: read, make notes, create supporting materials, check timing, practice, record themselves, etc… More practice = better presentations!

As audience members, we are working on our communication skills, as well.  Soon, we will be better able to ask more thought-provoking questions and make deeper, more meaningful connections.

Public speaking is such a valuable skill, and we work hard in third grade to become better oral communicators.   With each new round of book talks, your child will become more and more proficient in the art of presenting.

What’s to Come:

🙂 Thank you for supporting our Fitness Challenge! Our PTO does an amazing job providing resources for students and teachers at Mullen-Hall.

🙂 Wednesday there is a 3rd grade Bake Sale during lunch, with yummy items to purchase. Please refer to the flyer sent home for more information.

🙂  Term 2 grades close this Friday. Crazy, how fast the time goes, isn’t it?

🙂 Our only Library day is now on Mondays, when students can borrow and return books.

Smile Wide,

Mrs. Brooks

Continuing with our study of the American Revolution, so it seems natural that our Schoolhouse Rock! video would be The Shot Heard Round the World:

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