We’ve been using XtraMath for several weeks now, and today one of our students reached a new milestone! Congratulations to Milo, who has demonstrated mastery of his addition tables, and is moving on to subtraction. To earn this award, students…
Vacation Reflection
If you haven’t already noticed, the calendar says that this Friday begins our first lengthy school vacation. I can’t believe how quickly the year has been progressing! At this point of the year, I am head-over-heels in love with my…
Camp Read-A-Lot
I can almost feel the electricity in the classroom, as we enter the holiday season! We could heat the building on excitement alone! Coming up is Camp Read A Lot! We will plan on Friday, December 21 as our target…
There’s No Place Like Nome
I am super excited this week! My friend Colleen Johnson is a 3rd grade teacher in Nome, Alaska who is working on her Masters Degree in Educational Technology. She and I have lots more in common and have been e-pen-pals…
Technical Glitch or Technical Gift?
I spent most of this weekend waiting for our classroom blog to come back online. So much of my regular routine involves writing a weekly newsletter, and then posting it on our classroom blog. With the blog down, I was…
Perpetually Thankful
A short week calls for a short newsletter! Tomorrow is Cranberry Day! Yippee!! Thank you to all the folks who sent in donations to help make our day one filled with fun & learning. This weekend, I wrote two articles…
Writers, Empowered.
This year in Falmouth, we are incorporating a new facet to our writing program in the elementary grades. Empowering Writers provides structure and inspiration when it comes to writing narrative and expository pieces. . 204 students have spent considerable time…
Plimoth Bound
As we head out on our field trip to Plimoth Wednesday, there are a few things I’d love to share with all of you. Plimoth Plantation is a living, breathing museum. It is an extraordinary place where students used all…
Facing Fears
Before Sandy the Hurricane rolled in, I spent my weekend 40’ in the air. Mr. Brooks and I knew the time had come to paint the outside of our house, as we have been living here for almost 14 years. …