By now all of you should have received a notice about Meet the Teacher Night this year. Third grade is scheduled for Wednesday, the 21st of September. Time spent in the classrooms is designed for adults, so childcare is available…
Fridays are Fun!
Wow – what a great day we all had — crazy at times, but we need to shake up the routine once in a while to make it memorable, I think. We met outside this morning as an entire school…
Happy International Dot Day!
It’s that time again – Yaay!! – International Dot Day is celebrated on September 15th-ish every year. Teachers far and wide sit down with their students, and read them The Dot by Peter Reynolds. The endearing story celebrates creativity, and…
Proud to be Americans
At Mullen-Hall, all classes have been focusing on National Citizenship and Constitution Day. We are talking about how the Constitution came to be, as well as its importance. We are beginning to see how we each fit into the “Big…
A Day to Remember…
Today, my daughter Kendyl (14) and I spent time re-painting an American flag on a stone in our neighborhood. We enjoyed the time together in the sunshine, and I think it looks much better, now! Check out the photos!
A Patriotic Commute
I was driving home in the rain on Thursday and saw many dedicated (and wet) volunteers building a 9/11 memorial at the Otis rotary. When I drove home again on Friday in the sunshine, I pulled into the base and…
Teacher Tuesdays
This past summer, VolunteerSpot hosted 9 different teacher bloggers (including me!), all writing articles geared towards parents. For any of my parent visitors who stop by, I thought you might enjoy checking them out! Volunteer Spot Teacher Tuesdays
Still Reading!
I jumped on the Scholastic website this morning to see that our minutes are adding up! I thought I’d post the up-to-date totals for you:
You Are Reading!!!!
I stopped by the Scholastic Summer Reading site and found out two really awesome pieces of information: So far, my class has logged a total of 1,930 minutes! I think that’s awesome!!! My guess? I bet a bunch of you…
Teachers, Gettin’ Bloggy With It
It’s Summertime!!! That means, that teachers are in school, learning… It is very fun teaching other teachers about building a classroom blog. Everyone has such great ideas about how they want to use their blog, and their ideas get ME…